Device settings and debug
Hello All
I want to speed the clock up on the SX28 to 50Mhz. I set the device settings to.
Is this the correct Directive to use? I'm not sure the syntax is right Because now the DEBUG terminal doesn't seem to work.The DEBUG worked great with the 4MHz internal Oscillator.
I'm trying to count a·77kHz Sq. wave signal·(clock) from a serial device. I found that the SX28 would only read to 5 kHz with the 4MHz OSC. and the example program "COUNT.SXB". I'm using a BK-Precision Function Generator with a 5volt sq.wave to mimic the clock.
I'm new to the SX28 and the SX-Key, Also the SK-Key v3.2.92h BETA software.
Thanks in advance for any help here.
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
I want to speed the clock up on the SX28 to 50Mhz. I set the device settings to.
Is this the correct Directive to use? I'm not sure the syntax is right Because now the DEBUG terminal doesn't seem to work.The DEBUG worked great with the 4MHz internal Oscillator.
I'm trying to count a·77kHz Sq. wave signal·(clock) from a serial device. I found that the SX28 would only read to 5 kHz with the 4MHz OSC. and the example program "COUNT.SXB". I'm using a BK-Precision Function Generator with a 5volt sq.wave to mimic the clock.
I'm new to the SX28 and the SX-Key, Also the SK-Key v3.2.92h BETA software.
Thanks in advance for any help here.
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
Also, when debugging, you need to make sure that your header pins are clean, you've got a solid connection with the SX-Key, that the external resonator/crystal/clock is removed. Otherwise you may not get a good connection for debugging (often manifested in the debug buttons like "stop", "run", etc. being "grayed out").
Do you want to post your code if you're still having trouble?
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
You cannot do any debugging with the SX-Key at 50Mhz. You can only use the debugger up to 4Mhz.
I know that some folks report varying success w/debugging 50mhz+ on the USB key, but Bean and others can probably address that specifically.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
Sorry I should have not said it that way. I never had luck getting it to work pass 4Mhz. [noparse];)[/noparse]
P.S. You should be able to COUNT up to 40KHz with the 4MHz clock. If you post your complete code, it would help us help you.
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·The next time you need a hero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.
you may ask why 20 MHz is the most reliable debug frequency. The answer is pretty simple: During debugging, the SX-Key has to communicate with the SX under test periodically in order to update the the status display, and for other tasks. This communication requires that the SX under test is clocked at a well-defined clock rate to sync up with the SX-Key. During debugging, the SX-Key supplies the clock for the SX under test generated by an on-board variable clock chip. During debug communication, the SX-Key switches this clock to 20 MHz, and after the communication is done, it returns back to the clock frequency specified with the application'a FREQ directive.
When 20 MHz is defined by the FREQ directive, there is no need at all for the SX-Key to switch the clock frequency before and after the debugging communication, so this is why 20 MHz is most reliable.
Nevertheless, debugging usually works fine at slower and faster clocks as well. Most of my SX-based designs are either clocked at 50 MHz or at 4 MHz, and I never had problems with the SX-Key at these frequencies, although I found out that the new SX-Key USB is more critical when the parasitic loads (capacitive or inductive) on the OSC1 or OSC2 lines are too high due to long or distrubuted traces for these signals. Therefore, it is a good idea to keep both of them as short as possible, especially for higher clock frequencies, like 50 MHz.
Greetings from Germany,
Thanks for ALL the help!
Zoot: I cleaned the pins on My ProDevBoard,That did the trick.
Bean: I came up with around 40kHz with a clock speed of 4Mhz? I dont now why 5kHz is the limit?
Mr.Daubach: Thanks for the info on the SX-Key. This explains the glitches I was seeing.
Heres the code.
Its right out of the examples with the OSC speed changed.I've tried 4 - 20 -50 - 75Mhz OSC speed 39kHz seems to be the fastest I can read!
I dont want to push the SX28 to the MAX, I'm sure some code mod.s will make this work at around 20Mhz OSC speed to read a 77kHz signal clock. After I get a stable read on the 77kHz clock signal, I have two 24 bit words to read, I'll need to oversample or read them 2 to 3 times for error checking,But thats is a ways off.·
_____Thanks Again for the help___________$WMc%_____
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
Post Edited ($WMc%) : 1/29/2009 3:19:44 AM GMT