Help with ultrasonic ping)))
Hi, I' m building a program that measures distances and catch the most long, but sometimes the ultrasonics measure bad.
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the ultasonic waves bounce and i have a diferent mesure than reality.
It's posible to solution this problem?
sorry for my bad english and drawing

the ultasonic waves bounce and i have a diferent mesure than reality.
It's posible to solution this problem?
sorry for my bad english and drawing
Since the "Ping" is echo-based, you're not going to be able to get accurate distances "on the slant" as in your picture. This is why there's a kit that puts the Ping sensor on a steerable servo.
This is not the "Ping" "Measuring bad", as you put it, it's simply the physics of the situation. So, you need to adjust for this in code -- meaning you probably need to do some tests to determine how 'slanted' the surface in front of the ping can be before the measurement becomes inaccurate.