First Assembly Program
Jay Kickliter
Posts: 446
I've never done any type of assembly programming before, but I decided to tackle it this weekend. One thing I did, that I've never seen suggested before, was type in a simple assembly example, then translate it to binary. It really helped me to conceptualize what the processor is looking at in the instructions. If anyone else is scare to learn assembly like I've been, I highly suggested it. Here's the program I basically copied from page 38 of Doug Dingus' "Assembly Language Primer for the Absolute Beginner". Once I was sure it was working, I looked up the instructions in the Propeller Manual and translated them into their binary counterparts. The original code is in the comments to the right of the binary code.
PUB start cognew(@Toggle, 0) DAT ORG 0 'Begin at Cog RAM addr 0 Toggle long %101000_0010_1111_111110110_000000110 'mov dira, pin 'Set Pin to output long %101000_0010_1111_000001000_111110001 'mov Time, cnt 'Calculate delay time long %100000_0011_1111_000001000_000010000 'add Time, #$f 'Set initial delay here :loop long %111110_0010_1111_000001000_000000111 'waitcnt Time, Delay 'Wait long %011011_0010_1111_111110100_000000110 'xor outa, Pin 'Toggle Pin long %010111_0001_1111_000000000_000000011 'jmp #:loop 'Loop endlessly Pin long %0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0001 'pin 0 Delay long %0000_0000_0001_1110_1000_0100_1000_0000 '2_000_000 'Clock cycles to delay Time res 1 'System Counter Workspace FIT 496
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
I'd love to be able to say I mastered it, but in fact I never came anywhere near having a program that ran. I did learn to drink a lot of coffee, though.
Edit: It looks as though the machine I worked on may still exist:
There's a pretty good chance it was one of those.
Post Edited (sylvie369) : 1/26/2009 3:12:39 AM GMT
Long ago in a my early work experience was with mini's where the bootstrap loader was entered on front panel switches and all the programming was done in machine language. If you were lucky the machine had an assembler program, if not you did the conversion by hand. I envied those lucky people who had hard drives, terminals, and Fortran, Cobol, or C ccompilers. Ah the good old days. Thank goodness they are past.
Post Edited (kwinn) : 1/26/2009 3:36:20 PM GMT
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Sold Altair on Ebay for $3500 a few years back. What a mistake. Miss it.