Scribbler/Python warning
When I start up the Python Shell to program my Scribbler robot, and I type "from myro import *", I get this warning:
Myro version 2.8.2 is ready!
WARNING: sound did not load; need tkSnack?
Does anyone know what the problem is, or how to fix it? It doesn't seem to affect the program or the robot in anyway that I can see, but it bothers me seeing it every time.
Myro version 2.8.2 is ready!
WARNING: sound did not load; need tkSnack?
Does anyone know what the problem is, or how to fix it? It doesn't seem to affect the program or the robot in anyway that I can see, but it bothers me seeing it every time.
I have not experienced this problem. Have you tried IPRE's support? It may be a component in the Shell for sound on you PC. I have played with the speech component and the sound comes from the PC speakers. You might test this and see if it works or not.
Let me know what you find and how it is going.
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