serial communication question
Posts: 7
I am bringing an old Heathkit Hero-1 robot back to life with a propeller usb proto board. My question concerns the usb connection that uses i/o pins 30 & 31. After bootup and program download I wish to use these pins to communicate with a host. I've been doing this with the USB connection in order to debug my program but now I wish to employ my wireless serial 900MHZ spread spectrum interface that utilizes a stand DB25 serial interface. So here's my question (finally). Has anyone connected pins 30 & 31 to a Max232 interface. In other words, can pins 30 & 31 drive both the usb serial·interface ·and a Max 232 chip for host communication so long as both are not active simultaneously? If not, I'll be forced to use my remaining two I/O pinsfor wireless communication.