$33 Oscilloscope
Somebody on the NYCResistor list bought one of these, he says it works. It can't do much, but for $33 (kit, the assembled one costs $49) it could still be useful to if something is working or not. I don't have any scope, so I'm going to get one.
# Max sample rate - 2M/s,8 bits
# Sample memory depth - 256 bytes
# Analog bandwidth - 1MHz
# Vertical sensitivity - 100mV/Div - 5V/Div
# Vertical position adjustable with indicator
# Input impedance - 1MΩ
# Max input voltage - 50Vpp
# DC/AC coupling
# Horizontal - 5μs/Div - 10m(minute)/Div
# Auto, normal and single trig modes
# Rising/falling edge trigger
# Trig level adjustable with indicator
# Hold/run feature
# Built-in 500Hz/5Vpp test signal
# Frequency counter features with independent F and T read-outs (only for TTL level input signal)
# 9 DC power supply
# Dimension: 110mm X 65mm X 25mm (without case)
Picture: www.jyetech.com/Products/LcdScope/IMGP8694.jpg
Product website: www.jyetech.com/en/default.html
Aka: CosmicBob
Would this be useful in various eletronic experiments involving the BS2 and SX (as well as various passive component experiments).
Great find! and well priced! Thanks!
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Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
Question: Is the above kit still useful to have. It is a spacesaver
What makes a good hobby scope?
What are some of the min specs that we'll likely need when fiddling with newbie to mid-range hobby electronics?
That's a tough question to answer. Since "newbie" electronics can now include the Propeller, you could be looking at some really fast signals. Be that as it may, any scope is way better than no scope. I could not work without mine. It's on almost all the time, and I use it for program debugging as well as hardware testing. The best thing to do is to set a budget and get the best instrument you can for that amount of money. If you end up spending a little more, you won't regret it. Here are some things to look for:
1. Frequency response: the higher, the better. For serious digital work 100MHz could be considered a baseline. Even with a 300MHz scope, some high-speed Propeller pulse trains will look like sine waves.
2. Number of input channels: the more the better. Two, plus an external sync input is a nice baseline. I typically use two, sometimes three, seldom four.
3. Synchronization modes: again, the more the better. The ones I use most are rising and falling edges. Video sync is nice for Propeller work.
4. Delayed sweep: always good to have when your sync occured 10ms ago and you want to look at a section 10us wide.
5. Storage: the deeper the better. Sometimes you need to inspect a single sweep without the background clutter. Storage allows you to do this. It's also handy for viewing non-repetivie signals, such as a serial output stream. I lived without a storage scope for years. Now that I have one, I'm not sure how I did it.
EBay is a great place to look for used equipment, which will stretch your budget a little further. With the economy in a downturn, there is sure to be a lot of newly-surplused equipment available.
BTW, the scope that Jay pointed out might be useful for audio work and very low-speed digital testing but not much else. It's a really clever design, the way circuit boards have been used for front and back panels. Though little more than a novelty for serious work, owning one would at least whet your appetite for something better.
The Truth is out there············································ BoogerWoods, FL. USA
There are web sites explaining how to use a scope.
When I was a student apprentice many years ago at English Electric-Leo Computers, Kidsgrove, I had a stint in the Test Equipment Section where we repaired and calibrated test equipment. Engineers were always returning Tek 541A scopes as faulty when there was nothing wrong with them; they just didn't know how to use them!
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
Post Edited (Leon) : 1/25/2009 5:45:42 PM GMT
If only that was the case.
There are some truly ropey digital 'scopes that sell for far too much. (Early Fluke scopemeters are horrible), yet stunning masterpieces like
http://search.ebay.co.uk/330300945186 go completely unappreciated. It's quite possible there will never be another 'scope like it. (For instance, the CRT is an image intensifier tube, to let you see 500MHz signals in single-shot, without any nasty ADC artifacts, and it calibrates itself by watching the electron beam crossing the graticule lines. How can you _not_ want one? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
(And then you start thinking that you need some better probes. And different plugins. And maybe a few more scopes from the range. And maybe a bigger, stronger desk.)
I use a Tektronix 100MHz oscilloscope for Propeller testing and it works fine.· Yours should too.
Dennis B. Page, Page Radio Company
Cool idea though,
Thanks for letting me know. I do have two Tektronix (another is a 50Mhz)..
As for the topic on this thread, that $33 kits should be fun to build and should be good (at least) for the simple workbench (specially when workspace is to be considered..) ??