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Has anyone had trouble with ctra mode %01010? — Parallax Forums

Has anyone had trouble with ctra mode %01010?

shanghai_foolshanghai_fool Posts: 149
edited 2009-01-24 20:24 in Propeller 1
I am trying to count frequency using last example in AN001 but it seems to be erratic.
The input is from my scope reference·(1 kHz @3.6v p-p) but the reading varies substantially ~1500.
Prop is running 80MHz and I do mode %01000 (pos pulse width) just great.

When I use a variable input squarewave, it doesn't follow it.

I only added a waitcnt after the display loop otherwise I couldn't get a clear reading.
I know I'm missing something but I can't see it. I will try again toorrow with fresh eyes.



  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2009-01-23 17:21

    I wouldn't think that the 1kHz from your scope would show that much jitter, but a value of 1500 indicates about a 2% error.

    Can you attach the code that you are using to get these readings?

    You say that %01000 works great... what about mode %01100 (NEG detector) ... or even mode %01110 (NEGEDGE detector) What are the results from these modes?

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.
  • shanghai_foolshanghai_fool Posts: 149
    edited 2009-01-24 00:59

    I am using the example in the tech note. I have also tried· %01110· with the same results.
    ''Demonstration of the counter used as a frequency counter
            _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
            _XinFREQ = 5_000_000
            txt :  "PC_Interface" 
            long ctr, frq
    PUB Go | freq
            cognew(@entry, @freq)
              txt.out($00)                  'clear the screen
              txt.dec(freq)                 'display the value (in Hz)
              waitcnt(cnt + clkfreq)        'added to make display readable        
    entry   mov     ctra, ctra_             'establish mode and start counter
            mov     frqa, #1                'increment for each edge seen
            mov     cnt_, cnt               'setup time delay
            add     cnt_, cntadd
    :loop   waitcnt cnt_, cntadd            'wait for next sample
            mov     new, phsa               'record new count
            mov     temp, new               'make second copy
            sub     new, old                'get delta
            mov     old, temp               'set next delta's base
            wrlong  new, par
            jmp     #:loop
    ctra_   long    %01010 << 26 + 23        'mode + APIN
    cntadd  long    80_000_000              'wait 1 second, answer in Hz 
    cnt_    res     1
    new     res     1
    old     res     1
    temp    res     1
  • shanghai_foolshanghai_fool Posts: 149
    edited 2009-01-24 04:17
    It still is not working well. I really need this. I want to measure brushless motor rpm. I have one phase of the ESC connected through a low-pass filter/comparator which produces a very clean square wave. I need to do 2 of these with one cog. The counters are the only way to do this effectively and accurately.

    Is there some additional input filtering needed on the input pin? I would think anything with <12.5ns risetime would be sufficient.

  • Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL) Posts: 1,720
    edited 2009-01-24 04:20
    @ shanghai_fool

    I've only played with Prop Asm a few times so feel free to ignore me if I'm off base here but I did notice the following difference from AN001

    cognew(@entry, @freq) ' your code

    cognew(@entry, freq) ' AN001

    Aka: CosmicBob
  • shanghai_foolshanghai_fool Posts: 149
    edited 2009-01-24 04:41
    The AN001 text is incorrect. The example included with the zip file is OK. The parameter to be passed to the cog is @freq, the address of the variable which becomes PAR in the pasm code. Maybe the text was written hastily. It also includes a variables "frq" and "ctr" which are not used.
    Thanks anyway.
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2009-01-24 07:19

    I tried·the code you posted on my end and I get values ranging from 1006 to 1018 on·my scope.

    The only thing I did differently was change the input pin from 23 to 7 ... and I have the routine displaying to·a TV.

    ctra_   long    %01010 << 26 + [color=green]23[/color]        'mode + APIN

    ·to read....
    ctra_   long    %01010 << 26 + [color=red]7[/color]         'mode + APIN

    ·Is your scope ground connected to the Propeller ground?· Is pin 23 on your board connected to anything else?

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Paul RowntreePaul Rowntree Posts: 49
    edited 2009-01-24 07:31
    Shanghai; have you tried a Schmitt on the input?
    I think we are working on the same type of project, and I would appreciate some details of your interface. I am trying to drive a hard disk motor with a prop and L293D, and while it can drive the motor, starting from a dead stop requires my spinning the shaft by hand. I am running out of ideas, but will try sine waves next and a set of three TIP120 circuits. Are you controlling the brushless with the prop? How do you do it?

    Paul Rowntree
  • shanghai_foolshanghai_fool Posts: 149
    edited 2009-01-24 08:29
    That may be part of my problem. I do not use the VGA but I have the parts mounted and there are some resistors connected there.

    @ Paul,
    I think you may have hit the nail on the head and is exactly what I am thinking after looking closer at my "square wave". My scope is a 25MHz. Rigol and having been used to a 150MHz scope, I did not pay enough attention to the rise time which is way too long. Even the scope test output is too long. There is way too much time in "no man's land" at Vcc/2. Even driving with the op-amp comparator output is too slow. I need some Schmitt triggers on the input but, unfortunately tomorrow starts New Year's and no one will be working for a couple of weeks so I can't get any parts.

    I am controlling the motors with a common RC type ESC (electronic speed control) but I want to keep the rpm's close as well. I know the exact static thrust each prop has relative to the rpm. I can effectively "weigh" the aircraft at hover. The 2 motors will be controlled via gyro/accellerometer/Kalman filter. If I could phase lock sync the motors, I would probably try that also but I don't want to design the ESC's.

    My filter circuit is a standard Chebychev 3 pole low pass to get rid of the ESC's high freq noise. It puts out what I thought was a clean signal except the AD8594's slew rate isn't quite good enough. I will try to pick up some 74LVC14A's first chance I get.

    I was trying to figure out how to read 2 counters at the same time with accuracy but decided to wait 1/2 second for one and the 1/2 sec for the other. I'm still not sure how accurate I can get though. I may also try measuring pulse width instead. At 5000 RPM, a 12 pole motor produces 1 kHz signal.

    While I am waiting, I will workl on other aspects of my project. Like a really accurate receiver pulse width detector that works with PCM of PPM pulses. The current one in OBEX isn't quite accurate enough for PCM.

    Happy Lunar New Year everyone and welcome year of the OX.

  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2009-01-24 16:13

    It shouldn't matter if you are using a VGA,TV, or serial to view the reported data... the TV just happened to be my "Debug of Choice" at the moment while I was running your code.

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,664
    edited 2009-01-24 20:24
    The important thing is not so much the rise time of the signal as it is that the signal make a one-way transition through the threshold. Sometimes in lieu of a Schmitt, a resistor in parallel with a diode, and placed between between the signal and the input pin, will act as an asymmetric filter along with the pin's input capacitance. Be careful for ground loops though. You don't want any noise on the ground line to appear in series with your signal.

    Tracy Allen
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