I ordered the RFID kit yesterday from Parallax, am excited to get started with it. However, I would like to take this a step further. Can someone recommend hardware for writing to writable tags?
Also... the picture shows it connecting to a breadboard, but upon further investigation, it connects to USB directly? How can I integrate this w/ my boe-bot circuit? I was going to use it to only respond to certain keys.
There are 2 versions of the RFID reader, one is USB and designed to interface with a computer, the other is a ttl serial interface to interface with your stamp or a computer. If you ordered the USB version you won't be able to interface it with your bot.
If you got the USB version you can plug it into a computer and use any software that can talk to a com port. If you want to use it on the boe-bot your easiest choice is to call sales on Tuesday and ask to exchange it for the serial version. If your good with electronics you might be able to attach to the output pins of the FTDI chip so you could talk ttl serial but that would void your warranty.
Cool! I gave them a call this morning, and they were able to change it to the serial version! Also, I found out that they do a store on ebay once every few weeks! I dont have a credit card or check card, so I always end up getting those throw away credit cards to to make parallax purchases. Atleast I may be able to score a paypal deal once in a while! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Post Edited (KB3JJG) : 1/18/2009 6:46:07 PM GMT
- Stephen