Fitting a BS2 Prof board onto a BOE-BOT? Parallax Bot ARMAGGEDON!!!!
The ultimate BOE-BOT everbody! Think about it, the Professional development board on your BOE-BOT!!!
How does that sound? You can fit more stuff on it, and it'll need a bigger frame...
and a way to attach the PCB on to the bot...
Anyways, the BOE-BOT is too basic for me, C'mon I wanna fit every single feature I can fit on a BS2 powered bot.
I want to build the ultimate BS2 tank with treads, Navigational Sensors, contact sensors, Radio communication, etc. (That means anything that will make it into the Bot with the Ultimate PURE AWESOMENESS!!!!).
Okey, Since we're here, lets start designing. Any ideas? I would like the bot round.
If you want send your square blueprints in too.
If you have no idea which shape to make it into go to the Round VS Square Forum topic.
I'll call the bot. BASSTA2-PRODEVBOA - TANK!!! (BASic STAmp 2 - PROfessional DEVelopment BOArd -Total Annihilation Ninja-ing Killer)
Don't forget the missile Launchers and flashing LED's. (Missile launchers must be fake of course, The projectiles must be foam)
Pictures will be greatly appreciated.
(I just like Ninjas
Just add what you like but you must include all of the following Requirements:
- A Basic Stamp 2 Module (Any type)
- A Basic or Javelin Stamp Professional Development board (You can include another one with a second BS2 module of the same
type of course)
- Missile Launcher(Foam projectiles only, Best choice are those Office defence electronic toys)
- Some form of Radio communication between the Computer and the Bot itself. (You know the military, "Alpha this is Bravo,
We all prefer this Parallax 433 MHz RF Transceiver Package
- Close Combat Self Defense Mechanism (Not knives or anything that can harm you, must be safe)
- It must be able to speak like it's a commando, soldier or some military officer.
Emic Text-to-Speech SIP Module (Female) from parallax is okey, doesn't have to be Male.
You - Forward
Bot- Sir, Yes Sir, (If you're a girl than it'll be Ma'am, yes Ma'am!)
- Painted with Khaki Camo colours and patterns
- Sound Effect's Generator (BOOM!!! BANG!!! KABLAMMAS!!!!) Preferably Sound PAL from Parallax.
- GPS and Compass Module, can't be in the military without the sense of Navigation!
Hitachi HM55B Compass Module
Parallax GPS Receiver Module
- The bot must be able to Identify its target. Using anything!!!
- Your Budget is AUD$2000
Somebody please convert this into your Country's currency before you do anything.
This message is getting too long please stop reading now...
And Start Designing!!!!
Post Edited (Ezsynn) : 1/18/2009 6:24:31 AM GMT
The ultimate BOE-BOT everbody! Think about it, the Professional development board on your BOE-BOT!!!
How does that sound? You can fit more stuff on it, and it'll need a bigger frame...
and a way to attach the PCB on to the bot...
Anyways, the BOE-BOT is too basic for me, C'mon I wanna fit every single feature I can fit on a BS2 powered bot.
I want to build the ultimate BS2 tank with treads, Navigational Sensors, contact sensors, Radio communication, etc. (That means anything that will make it into the Bot with the Ultimate PURE AWESOMENESS!!!!).
Okey, Since we're here, lets start designing. Any ideas? I would like the bot round.
If you want send your square blueprints in too.
If you have no idea which shape to make it into go to the Round VS Square Forum topic.
I'll call the bot. BASSTA2-PRODEVBOA - TANK!!! (BASic STAmp 2 - PROfessional DEVelopment BOArd -Total Annihilation Ninja-ing Killer)
Don't forget the missile Launchers and flashing LED's. (Missile launchers must be fake of course, The projectiles must be foam)
Pictures will be greatly appreciated.
(I just like Ninjas

Just add what you like but you must include all of the following Requirements:
- A Basic Stamp 2 Module (Any type)
- A Basic or Javelin Stamp Professional Development board (You can include another one with a second BS2 module of the same
type of course)
- Missile Launcher(Foam projectiles only, Best choice are those Office defence electronic toys)
- Some form of Radio communication between the Computer and the Bot itself. (You know the military, "Alpha this is Bravo,
We all prefer this Parallax 433 MHz RF Transceiver Package
- Close Combat Self Defense Mechanism (Not knives or anything that can harm you, must be safe)
- It must be able to speak like it's a commando, soldier or some military officer.
Emic Text-to-Speech SIP Module (Female) from parallax is okey, doesn't have to be Male.
You - Forward
Bot- Sir, Yes Sir, (If you're a girl than it'll be Ma'am, yes Ma'am!)
- Painted with Khaki Camo colours and patterns
- Sound Effect's Generator (BOOM!!! BANG!!! KABLAMMAS!!!!) Preferably Sound PAL from Parallax.
- GPS and Compass Module, can't be in the military without the sense of Navigation!
Hitachi HM55B Compass Module
Parallax GPS Receiver Module
- The bot must be able to Identify its target. Using anything!!!
- Your Budget is AUD$2000
Somebody please convert this into your Country's currency before you do anything.
This message is getting too long please stop reading now...
And Start Designing!!!!
Post Edited (Ezsynn) : 1/18/2009 6:24:31 AM GMT
What about Teamwork? It's more fun to get ideas from the internet! C'mon let loose!
·and used that to spread my wheel mounts out i then used a rectangular piece of alluminum and some ultra crazy bull glue to permanently attach the 2 halfs to the ends and then used a T joint to attach a smaller rectangular piece· behind the front wheel area for a neat almost triangular design, still trying to decide which way to go with the rear wheel
gonna put a slew of sensors on it so to speak· IR |·Ping))) | cam/green laser | accelerometer | and hope fully gonna turret some stuff!······· oh yeah and a servo controller.···· im interested about being able to get a mic to send recorded sounds to a comp or memcard not sure how to do this yet but im sure someone will tell me if this is possible.
as for weaponry i suggest Dr-ho's message system!!
hmmm the attachment is a picture...sry for the sloppy post
Post Edited (SLUG-1) : 1/18/2009 10:24:48 AM GMT