Code optimization help if you have some spare time :)
Posts: 1,399
I have created a sub and need help trimming it down a bit.
The sub takes a byte and splits it up to show on an LCD. I don't want leading 0's so I had to add more code into it which took up alot of programming space. If you have some spare time, could you help optimize this code a bit please [noparse]:)[/noparse]
The sub takes a byte and splits it up to show on an LCD. I don't want leading 0's so I had to add more code into it which took up alot of programming space. If you have some spare time, could you help optimize this code a bit please [noparse]:)[/noparse]
store: temp1 = __PARAM1 temp3 = __PARAM2 temp4 = __PARAM3 cmd = __PARAM4 temp5 = 0 digit1: temp1 = temp1 / 100 temp2 = __REMAINDER IF temp1 = 0 THEN temp5 = 0 GOTO digit2 ELSE temp5 = 1 ENDIF temp1 = temp1 + "0" IF temp4 = 2 THEN PUT line2(temp3), temp1 ELSE PUT line1(temp3), temp1 ENDIF INC temp3 digit2: temp1 = temp2 / 10 temp2 = __REMAINDER IF temp5 = 0 THEN IF temp1 = 0 THEN temp5 = 0 GOTO digit3 ELSE temp5 = 1 ENDIF ENDIF temp1 = temp1 + "0" IF temp4 = 2 THEN PUT line2(temp3), temp1 ELSE PUT line1(temp3), temp1 ENDIF INC temp3 digit3: temp1 = temp2 + "0" IF temp4 = 2 THEN PUT line2(temp3), temp1 ELSE PUT line1(temp3), temp1 ENDIF IF cmd <> 0 THEN FOR idx = 1 to cmd INC temp3 IF temp4 = 2 THEN PUT line2(temp3), "0" ELSE PUT line1(temp3), "0" ENDIF NEXT ENDIF RETURN
temp1 = temp2 / 10
You will find a LOT of code is generated for division. In fact, if you are using division, multiplication or modulo anywhere in your application, wrap 'em into a subroutine and you will find huge amounts of code space freed up, e.g.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
result = MATH_DIV 255, 100
rrem = __PARAM2 my display is putting strange characters in place of what used to be numbers if I did it the old fashion way. The reason I need to get this working is because I cannot fit anything else on the chip and I need more room. There are only 2 divide functions through the entire code but any little bit will help.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
Post Edited (Zoot) : 2/22/2009 5:57:35 PM GMT
In any case, __REMAINDER is available in both 1.51.x and 2.x of SX/B -- I just don't recall which param is actually assigned, SO DON'T USE __PARAMx, use __REMAINDER as this will keep your code compatible down the road.
Oh, and until I refreshed myself I forgot about __WREMAINDER (which will have an automatically assigned _LSB and _MSB). But I don't think you need that here as you have byte division going on?
To wit:
Even if you have it wrapped in a sub/func, it will be fine, as long as you save/use the __REMAINDER immediately upon return from the sub/func (because subsequent SX/B intructions may clobber that param variable).
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
Will this code work with numbers higher than 99? I would also need to leave out leading 0's so I guess this would be a simple IF statement. The way my function is designed, it splits the Byte down, number by number, removes leading 0's, then it stores the individual numbers into an array. Later in the code, the Array is sent to another sub to display on the LCD. Would storing hex in place of the array mess it up?
Here is an example of how it works now :
PUT Line1, "This is Line 1 "
PUT Line2, "Var : "
MyVar = 220
store MyVar, 6, 2, 1
The LCD would then show :
This is Line 1
Var : 2200
SX/B 2.0 has a new feature called STR that will do the "splitting" of numbers for you.
And no, it only does two digits, but just call it twice. Second, if you are dumping conversion to LCD, I see no reason to "store" the values; just convert on the fly and dump them and move on. Array code will consume a lot of space quickly. Here is a simple, pseudo-codish version of using above to send a 4 digit HEX "value" to LCD....
So, what about decimal numbers? Well, divide and dump as you go.
If you want to suppress leading zeros, you can parse that as you get each byte and decide what to do (move the cursor over a postion, etc). You can also rewrite LCD_HEX2 do to one character at a time and automatically advance the display char position (which is what I would prob. do, but it depends on what kind of stuff you might send). You also don't need to do a read; you can just use the "add to zero" method....
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
What you'll find is that it uses the new STR instruction which you can use and simply copy characters from the nStr() array to your line array. Note that the 100s digit (or a space) ends up in nStr(0), the 10s (or space) in nStr(1), and the 1s in nStr(2). If you want to print without the spaces you'll have the test the value and advance the index into the nStr() array to skip past the spaces.
Post Edited (JonnyMac) : 2/24/2009 4:26:06 AM GMT
Am I using the wrong editor? I have version 3.2.92h Beta
-- C:\Program Files\Parallax Inc\SX-Key v3.2.3\Compilers\SXB
Here is some that are used for EEprom access :
eeAddr will never be higher than 255 and the value to be stored will never be higher than 255. I have tried to convert it to use Bytes, but once completed, no values are ever returned or saved [noparse]:([/noparse]
You never did say what resolution you need and how often you need it. The ISR code I posted was, essentially, a background version of the COUNT command (by using the ISR we could send and receive serial at the same time).
You might try this to get RPM in units of 100:
The downside is that this holds the program for 0.6 seconds and this might be a problem.
It would be really helpful if you would post your program -- doing this piecemeal is really difficult. What the heck, you're asking for free consulting, anyway, you might as well go all the way and end up with a better product to sell.