Propeller/lcd monitor problems
Computer Geek 101
Posts: 179
I have a few job display boards where I work.· One display that has been in action for about 10 months is now started to act funny.· If I hook it up to my laptop it will work all day.· If I connect it to the job display box it will work for a while then the screen goes black.· I replaced the prop with a new one and it still does it.· Anyone ever have any similar problems with a prop/lcd monitor system?· Is it just the monitor just going bad?· Thanks for any ideas.
1.Check the Xtal freq or just try another Xtal.
2. Could be a bad voltage regulator. Check the voltages on the prop chip before it goes dead and then after.
Aka: CosmicBob
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle