Digital to analog convertor question
I am using the Analog Devices AD5621 12 bit converter and I have a concern.
In my main code, running on a propeller, I can set the voltage and run the A/D as I intend. My issue is that it seems that after a given amount of time the voltage decays and I loose the value that I initially set. I combed over the data sheet and see no mention of this effect, then again I may be ignorant to the terminology as it fly's over my head. So I ask if this is normal? I solved this problem by simply looping the data out to the D/A from the propeller. Otherwise I wont sleep at night if this is not normal.
Please teach me the terminology or let me know if this is ok.
In my main code, running on a propeller, I can set the voltage and run the A/D as I intend. My issue is that it seems that after a given amount of time the voltage decays and I loose the value that I initially set. I combed over the data sheet and see no mention of this effect, then again I may be ignorant to the terminology as it fly's over my head. So I ask if this is normal? I solved this problem by simply looping the data out to the D/A from the propeller. Otherwise I wont sleep at night if this is not normal.
Please teach me the terminology or let me know if this is ok.
Show us your schematic, could be a loading issue on the output pin.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
X2-5 and X2-6 are connected to a small DC motor. Its rated at .15Watts, 11.5Ohms.
VCC is 5volts.
R23 is a 10K If I remember correctly (ill know for sure when I get home tonight)
The transistor is a FZT857 with I think a HFE of 200
Basically I am trying to control the small motor and the A/D looses its value at low RPMs.
You've probably entered one of the power-down modes, wherein the output buffer is disconnected from the pin. Check to make sure that PD0 and PD1 are both low when programming an output and that you're not sending extraneous data after you've done so. Also, since the device has a power-on reset, which sets the output to 0V, make sure you have sufficient bypassing on Vdd. Otherwise, a noise glitch could cause a reset.
This might be the cause, for some reason did not place a capacitor on the IC. All the others have them in place. I will check it on the o-scope and see if this is the cause.
Otherwise the A/D should hold its value, right? No matter the time?
Thanks for the quick responses fellas its apreacated.
Oh also I am using a switching power supply 15V / 6Amps. looks like what most laptops come with.
Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
"I am using a switching power supply 15V / 6Amps"
The schematic shows the motor runs off V_CC.
What's the 15V supply for?
[noparse][[/noparse]I do have one more question.]
The 15Volt supply runs and array of other devices. I employee 4 voltage regulators.
Phil Pilgrim,
Thanks for the clarification. The emitter is located as close to the power supply common as I could put it. I am about 80% sure that your previous assumption is correct. This device can switch 4-5 amps in a mila-secound, so I was stupid for not putting a bypass cap on the D/A IC.
Thanks for the input fellas, most importantly I am sure that the D/A is faulting due to my circuit. I tested the motor and it only faults when the high currect stuff is switching on and off. A cap will help.
What is a TVs?
Please ask away I am trying to learn here. I am the senior designer at my company and fresh out of school it sucks! No one around for advice.
I'm not trying to be a wise-guy, but are you trying to run the motor like it's a speaker coil?
Or do you mean to effect a varying voltage supplied to the motor, which would be emitter_follower (common_collector)?
Let's back up a minute... your motor is rated at .15Watts, 11.5Ohms?
I = V / R
If your powering the motor from a 5V supply (4.4V with the C-E diode drop across the transistor)
I = 4.4 V / 11.5 Ohms
I = 383mA
The specs say, that the Turn On voltage for the FZT857 is 1.12V and that the saturation voltage for the FZT857 is 1.25V ... this creates a very narrow window of operation from your DAC.
Also, the minimum Hfe for 383mA and 5V is going to be about 100 so you need at least a 38.3mA 3.83mA base drive. According to the AD5621, the output short circuit current is only rated at 20mA.
My conclusion is, that:
1) you are probably running the FZT857 in it's linear region
2) The output drive of the AD5621 is not adequate for the FZT857 in combination with your load.
Both 1 and 2 can create excess heat that can cause a voltage drift, which may explain the decay that you are observing.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 1/14/2009 6:20:01 PM GMT
G -- "No not trying to run the motor like its (sic)·a speaker."
B -- " are probably running the FZT857 in it's (sic)·linear region."
383mA / 100 = 3.83mA [noparse][[/noparse]not 38.3]
Post Edited (grasshopper) : 1/14/2009 7:31:31 PM GMT
Lower your 10K value·for R23 to something like 220 Ohms·to 330 Ohms·... as it is 10K is not enough drive current. (500uA max with your 10K)
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 1/14/2009 7:39:33 PM GMT
Sorry in my first post I mentioned a 10K its actually a 1K. I think the motor circuit is ok and I am very greatful for all the advice. I think that the reseting comes from not having a capacitor on the D/A. Like I mentioned before I am switching 6Amps from +/- to -/+ and this it causing the D/A to reset at various time.
Again Thanks fellas.
I would not choose to control a motor in the way you have.
If you want to prove it out further, though, then·substitute a variable lab supply for·the DAC_out and·see how that happens.
What you've done will probably work — sort of — once you get the reset thing solved. But I'm in agreement that it's not the best approach. The 1.2V offset can be overcome with programming, and is not a big deal, IMO. But you're relying on a fixed, constant transistor current gain to relate DAC output to motor current. One of the first things I learned about transistor circuit design is not to make my designs dependent on a certain transistor gain, because this can vary quite a lot from device to device and with temperature. You were given some good ideas in this thread, which I would advise you to revisit.
Here are a couple of my own ideas we can float down the silicon slough, too.
[noparse][[/noparse]Did you try that external lab supply idea?]
I will add that I rigged-up my offerings before posting them, with my own odd-ball motor here,·and stand by them.
I·acknowledge that I'm not with the approach of controlling a motor by adjusting·the current flow through it, whether·that's by use of·a burdening resistor or potentiometer·or even a transistor.·
I'd be PWM'ing the thing, of course, but the member here is on a path.
Have a good evening and a wonderful Thursday.