I have any idea. I have read a post that hyerterm can be used to test the serin & serout for msrs 1.5. it was to make sure the pc talks to the boe-bot. I have had a hard time trying to get the serin & serout to work with the hyperterm. so I had an idea to replace the serin & serout with debug & debugin. it works fine. my question now is, can msrs1.5 work the same way with the debug commands ? I am trying not to use the bluetooth adpter since the pc will be mounted on the robot platform.
It can be done, and it would be really useful, but it's a pretty code intensive project.· There are two programs that talk to each other, one in the Boe-Bot robot, and one in MSRS.· Both of them are accessible and can be modified.· The change you propose would be significant because the communication has to be very different when you use DEBUG and DEBUGIN.· The problem with DEBUG and DEBUGIN is that it uses the BASIC Stamp module's SIN and SOUT lines, which are tied together with a resistor.· So everything the BASIC Stamp sends using SOUT is also appears on SIN, and visa-versa.· In contrast, the eb500 uses two separate lines, so nothing that goes out TX·is echoed·by RX and visa-versa.·
The code for the Boe-Bot and MSRS is currently set up to use the eb500 with no echoes on its TX/RX.· MSRS repeats a command on one line, until it receives a confirmation that the BASIC Stamp processed the command on the other line.· The problem with moving over to SIN and SOUT is that MSRS will never get that confirmation because all it will ever hear is its own echo as it keeps on repeating the command it is issuing.
The MSRS code would have to be modified to ignore all SIN/SOUT echoes and wait between each repetition of the command to find out if the BASIC Stamp replies.· The file with MSRS communication is BoeBotControl.cs.· I would recommend making a copy before making any changes to this file.· You could actually start from square one and just send a number from the Boe-Bot to·MSRS and set a breakpoint in BoeBotControl.cs to see if MSRS received it.
A second option would be to use the USB2SER module.· It's inexpensive ($20) and allows you to set up a COM port connection that's just like the eb500.
Also, for testing, you don't need to use the eb500, just use the Debug Terminal.· Here's a link to some test code and a procedure you can try:·How to - Boe-Bot Robot with eb500 Bluetooth Tranasceiver Module· It works for the eb500 or the USB2SER.··BTW, this is a link in the Stamps in Class "Mini Projects" page.
Andy Lindsay
Education Department
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay (Parallax)) : 1/14/2009 1:53:12 AM GMT
Thanks for the input. I have been reading a lot of posts of users that have been having trouble with these issues. I just tought it might help other users with some of these on going problems. i am really greatfull for your input on this. I didn't think about the whole echo thing. may be some other users might find this helpfull or maybe run in this direction. once again thanks for you help.
I will also take a look at the links you sent me.