FM Amplifier
Hi Everyone
I am working on christmas lights for next year.
See here
·I want to be able to broadcast music on FM around my house. I bought a cheap 50 mw FM transmitter
I also replaced the dinky 1/4 wavelength antenna with radio shack 1/2 wavelength dipole antenna.
It is working out ok, but i would like to get a little more range out of it.
Does anyone know radios well enough to point out a really cheap AMP that would get me up to around 0.25 - 3 Watts.
By cheap I mean 20 bucks.
Thanks for the help.
Post Edited (lboucher) : 1/13/2009 2:39:24 AM GMT
I am working on christmas lights for next year.
See here
·I want to be able to broadcast music on FM around my house. I bought a cheap 50 mw FM transmitter
I also replaced the dinky 1/4 wavelength antenna with radio shack 1/2 wavelength dipole antenna.
It is working out ok, but i would like to get a little more range out of it.
Does anyone know radios well enough to point out a really cheap AMP that would get me up to around 0.25 - 3 Watts.
By cheap I mean 20 bucks.
Thanks for the help.
Post Edited (lboucher) : 1/13/2009 2:39:24 AM GMT
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
IT / Web / PCB / Audio
50mW should really be plenty from the unit you already have. If your antenna is not properly tuned, then you can take a severe hit on your radiated power.
Is the dipole (1/2 wave) two straight rods going in opposite directions about .75 meter each (1.5 meters total length) or is it a folded dipole antenna (big narrow loop with a 1.5 meter span)
The former is matched to about 75 Ohms, and that's what you want, but you also want the proper length for the transmitted signal which will be determined based on the frequency that you
are transmitting. The later is matched at about 300 Ohms and is definitely not what you want.
Just a straight rod antenna (1/4 wave) will be matched to about 50 Ohms and would be ok if it's the right length, but not as good as the 75 Ohms.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
If the programming is more for your neighbors at home, then a horizontal orientation would probably be better, although directionality then becomes a factor.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
One thing I did, which worked just crazy good, was mount the xmitter in an older car with the whip antenna. It worked just great! I started with a simple dipole. Was OK. The TV antenna on top of the house was quite a bit better. Probably just height. The car ruled, and it was just a lark! Suspect it had to do with the car body and ground.
Still, a Ramsey kit running at 9V would work with full quieting for a block, and was usable a lot farther than that. At 12V... It was a lot better, let's just say that.
It's a lot harder these days to do FM. The IBOC digital radio has brought a lot of extra signals to the dial.
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I used these plans and made the 2 meter one in about 15 minutes:
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
IT / Web / PCB / Audio
Andrew Williams
WBA Consulting
IT / Web / PCB / Audio