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spin and assembly mix

mctriviamctrivia Posts: 3,772
edited 2009-01-13 07:10 in Propeller 1
i am trying to figure out how to read a variable declaired by spin in hub ram modify it on the cog then write back to hub ram.

  long ulDate,ulTime

PUB start

              org       0
TimeKeeper    wrlong    startDate,ulDate 

startDate is an assembly constant. ulDate is not recognized though in assembly so what can I use?


  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2009-01-12 08:34
    That will not work that way, OTOH wrlong is defined as:

    wrlong <destination_address_in_HUB>,<source_address_in_COG>

    The point here is that ulDate may be in stack or somewhere else. You have to give a pointer to it to the assembler program. Then it is much better to just define it in a DAT section:

    ulDate long 0
       org 0
       wrlong ulDate_c, startDate
    ulDate_ long @ulDate 
    startDate long 0

    Something like that
  • mctriviamctrivia Posts: 3,772
    edited 2009-01-12 08:41
    so variables used in spin do not have to be defined in var section they can be defined in dat
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2009-01-12 10:23
    Yes and no.

    The access to variables in DAT section should be done with the long[noparse]/noparse, word[noparse]/noparse and byte[noparse]/noparse ways. The variables defined in VAR sections can be used directly. If I'm not mistaken. The Propeller manual is a very good source of information on the topic.
  • mparkmpark Posts: 1,305
    edited 2009-01-12 16:55
    Check out this thread:

    Btw, wrlong is actually wrlong <cog address>, <hub address> (the reverse of what Ale wrote). It's a little confusing because it violates the expected "destination, source" order. Just remember that all the hub memory ops (rdbyte, wrbyte, rdword, etc.) expect <cog address>, <hub address>.

    And, sorry to correct Ale again, but you can access variables in dat sections just as you would an ordinary variable.
  • thebigmacdthebigmacd Posts: 9
    edited 2009-01-12 17:06
    I use DAT defined variables directly in SPIN all the time. There may be limitations (my objects are all less than 496 longs including DAT) but it's handy to have a mirror of the HUB memory locations mirrored into COG memory on startup. This way I don't have to initialize my variables in SPIN if I know what their values are going to be at compile time: I can reference·the predefined variable·in the first line of my object without initializing it at runtime, and I know it will be whatever I set it to in the DAT section.
  • mctriviamctrivia Posts: 3,772
    edited 2009-01-13 02:29
    what am I doing wrong? Trying to experiment with assembly and spin together. I have 2 cogs running. 1 running an assembly program that keeps track of the time of day accurate to the ms. the second says the time out load when pin 16 is toggled. The vocalization works and says the initial time but that value is never incremented.

      _clkmode      = xtal1 + pll16x
      _xinfreq      = 5_000_000
      sound_port    = 10
    ulTime  long  3_500_000                                         ''ulTime <-- msec
      long  stack[noparse][[/noparse]100]  
      long  ulTemp
      byte  ubHour
      byte  ubMin       
      oT : "talk"
    PUB start          
    PUB sayNow
      oT.set_speaker(0, 90)
      oT.set_speaker(1, 110)
      oT.set_speaker(2, 100)
    pub sayTime    
      if ubHour==0
      if ubMin<10
        if ubMin>0
    PUB sayNumber(uiNum)
      case uiNum
        0 : oT.say(string("oa~klok"))
        1 : oT.say(string("wun~"))
        2 : oT.say(string("too"))
        3 : oT.say(string("three"))
        4 : oT.say(string("for"))
        5 : oT.say(string("faev"))
        6 : oT.say(string("siks"))
        7 : oT.say(string("s'even~"))
        8 : oT.say(string("ayt"))
        9 : oT.say(string("naen~"))
        10: oT.say(string("ten~"))
        11: oT.say(string("el'even~"))
        12: oT.say(string("twelv~"))
        13: oT.say(string("th'irteen~"))
        14: oT.say(string("f'orteen~"))
        15: oT.say(string("f'ifteen~"))
        16: oT.say(string("s'iksteen~"))
        17: oT.say(string("s'eventeen~"))
        18: oT.say(string("'aytteen~"))
        19: oT.say(string("n'aenteen~"))
        20: oT.say(string("tw'entee"))
        30: oT.say(string("th'irtee"))
        40: oT.say(string("f'ortee"))
        50: oT.say(string("f'iftee"))
                  org       0
                  'run every ms
    TimeKeeper    rdlong    ulMSec,ulTime                   'Copy sec over
                  add       ulMSec,#1                       'Add 1 to MSec
                  cmp       ulMSec,ulDayLength              'See if day done
            if_b  jmp       :updateTime                     'If day is done jump to end of routine
                  'run every day
                  mov       ulMSec,#0                       'Set Time to midnight
    :updateTime   wrlong    ulMSec,ulTime                   'Update the time
                  waitcnt   cnt, ticTime                    'Delay for 1ms
                  jmp       #TimeKeeper
    'Locale Time Value
    ulMSec        long      0
    ulDayLength   long      86_400_000 
    ticTime       long      80_000
                  fit       496    
  • mparkmpark Posts: 1,305
    edited 2009-01-13 05:32
    Try these changes:

    PUB start          
      ptrToUlTime := @ulTime  '*** NEW ***

    :updateTime   wrlong    ulMSec, ptrToUlTime              'Update the time *** CHANGED ***
                  waitcnt   cnt, ticTime                    'Delay for 1ms
                  jmp       #TimeKeeper
    ptrToulMSec   long      0 ' *** NEW ***

    If they help, I'll explain what's happening. If they don't, let us never speak of this post again.
  • AleAle Posts: 2,363
    edited 2009-01-13 06:09
    mpark is right, what I was thinking again ?, sorry.
  • mctriviamctrivia Posts: 3,772
    edited 2009-01-13 06:11
    as writen it will not compile.

    changed ptrToulMSec on last line to ptrToUlTime still does not work. Canged read instruction to use this still no luck.
  • mctriviamctrivia Posts: 3,772
    edited 2009-01-13 06:49
    well the pointer method works for writing the value but for some reason it just keeps setting the value to 0.

    Read seems not to be working. [noparse]:([/noparse]
  • mctriviamctrivia Posts: 3,772
    edited 2009-01-13 07:10
    well pointers fixed the problem after some tweeking.
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