I Know It's Crazy.....
Posts: 38
Running a Linux kernel on the BS2!! Because Linux can be implemented in embedded systems, why can't it run on a BS2 chip?? Is it possible? Has anyone tried it? What issues arise with porting a Linux kernel to the BS2 architecture? I'm looking for as many details as possible - memory not an issue since EEPROMs can be added, I mean the instruction set specifically. It's time to have the Linux on the BS2, somehow!!
Much thanks,
Much thanks,
- Stephen
Linux is a great OS for what it does, and the BASIC Stamp is a wonderful controller for what it does, but their destinies can never intertwine as intimately as you propose.
·"If you build it, they will come."
If You want to do something with a computer,Why are You Useing Linux ???
The Truth is out there·········································· E=$WMc%2
for all your do dads . key board monitor disk drive or flash drive. And when you get done you could have got a good ipaq and had Linux on it in a day and not wasted 2 or 3 year with this you get more out of it if you make a stamp work with Linux .You no like a webcam a good printer.All in if was not for Linux I would have never had the first stamp or pic I ran Linux on every thing I could find that had a cpu in it for over 13 years now I think it's the best Os out there But a stamp
to slow for it and so much better at what it's for Controllers to make you motor move or lite come on and O yes Linux can Talk to it and tell it what to.
@$WMc% - I can think of a few reasons and one major one would be the example of an hardware based firewall, router, etc. They all have HTTP so you can connect to them and configure them. Sorry if I misunderstood.
James Dougherty
Ariel Productions