need help with school demonstration speech
ok, i have this demonstration speech for school that i need help with, my original idea was an ion lifter but when you ask a question about something with regard to high voltage, i get either a "dont do it" or a "be careful" and not an answer, i could really use an idea that incorporates something with robotics or the propellor or something with electricity that is cool and "safe", any ideas will be very helpful
I took one of those cheap battery operated vacuum cleaners apart ... to get the motor. I then hooked up one of Parallax's motor controllers and controlled the speed of it using a Propeller... the objects in the obex work fine and you can have the whole thing working in a day
and if you do that... then you have a talk AND a drive system for your electric vehicle... if you go this route... order two motor controllers...
Alternatively, you could take a page from some college students. Here at my university, there is an EE class and they have mini projects. A very popular project is to built a model parking garage. You use hot-wheels for the cars, along with an elevator, and the uC keeps track of which spots are filled and where the elevator is.