tank tracks
Posts: 26
I bought the add on tracks for the BOE bot and the tracks were not that tight thus falling off when it tried to turn on carpet. I was looking for some other track chassis and I found this http://store.servomagazine.com/product.php?productid=16758&cat=384&page=2 but I saw it had the same tracks as that add on I bought. So before I plunk down 60ish dollars for this and find the same problem, Has anyone used this chassis ? How well it works?
Thank, you
Thank, you
Thank, you
You can get the Tamiya track set for under $10 from many sites, and some of the same expanded PVC for around $6 a square foot at a few sites... the problem would be building your
own chassis.
I bought a simple kit that has the Tamiya track kit mounted on a piece of wood and includes a battery box and gearbox + motor. I had to replace the gearbox with a dual-gearbox
to get the kit to do more than go forward and reverse, but otherwise I have no complaints besides the tracks being too close together to put a Boebot frame between.
The kit was $14.99
Parallax actually has a fairly decent track kit that you most likely shouldn't overlook. It's designed to mount on the boebot frame and seems quite well made.