Using the DS1620 Digital Thermometer / Thermostat
Hi all, First time posting a question. I am experimenting with the DS1620 and found an interesting problem maybe you can help me with. After hooking everything up and running sample program provided by Parallax, I was satisfied with the performance until I discovered it would not calculate 68,70,72,74,& 77 degrees F. There may be more numbers but I gave up running it through the paces. Is this an issue with the conversion from C to F or is it a problem enhanced by Basis Stamps not liking fractions? Any help is appreciated.
Post the code and schematic you are using. After the we have a look, it will make everything clearer. I am having no issues with several 1620's I have.
The more I look for common sense in the world...
the more·I·find how un-common it is.
The DS1620 can do better. as it does return the temperature to a resolution of about 0.5 degree Maybe the demo program rops the fraction before it converts to Fahrenheit.
Tracy Allen
Here is a copy of the program I am using.
What has been suggested as far as the conversion from C to F is indeed what is happening.· Not to add insult to injury, the code that you are using only uses a resolution of 1 Deg C instead of 0.5 Deg C.· This translates to 1.8 Deg F resolution
Look at the following link on page 161 for a slightly modified version of code that will display the temperature in 0.5 Deg C resolution. (0.9 Deg F)
...There is yet another way to get an even higher resolution out of the DS1620.· Starting on page 168 of the same article, the maximum resolution is 0.0625 Deg C (0.1125 Deg F)
Since the·article·above was written,·there is no longer a need to read the Slope (or number of Counts per Deg C).· Read here to find out why...
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 1/7/2009 4:58:20 PM GMT
Thanks for the support. I'll re-work my program with this new information.