Looking for Forum Servo Tester/Exerciser Schematic
Looking for a schematic of a servo tester/exerciser that was submitted on one of the forums by means of a reply to someone who posted a question about servo vs stepper motors etc. The circuit had a single 555 as a timer and used a pot for a voltage divider. I have been searching the various forums for about two weeks now with no luck. If you have seen this schematic please let me know. Thank you for your help....
or this one using a 556
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I was really hoping to find the servo/tester schematic that was submitted here on one of the forums. I know that it's just a matter of time before it's found.
Thanks again for your help....
Twisted Pair....
This is another circuit.
The Schematic was of a standalone unit that was used for testing servo's. If I could remember the subject & who posted the question regarding motors versus servo's etc (?), I could narrow down my search. It wasn't the poster with the question who had the schematic, it was someone who replied to the poster that had submitted the schematic. That make's it tougher to find because the search tab only lets you look for the subject matter for a posted question and not the reply. I'm thinking that the schematic that was submitted was somewhere between mid June and Dec 2008 and might have been in the Sandbox or Basic stamp forum. I did have a copy of the schematic but lost it when I developed a computer problem.
Twisted Pair....
Give these simple 555 timer based circuits a look over...
I will check those site's, although I was hoping for the schematic here in the forums. And the search goes on....
Twisted Pair....