What's the world coming to?
I didn't see this as being posted already when I searched for it. Keep your eyes peeled.
Found on Fark.
Found on Fark.
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·The next time you need a hero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself
We donated that QuadRover, too.
Ken Gracey
On a more humorous note, did anybody notice in the video near the beginning that they got a picture of a minivan and replaced the windshield with the stock rover video? Very cheesy on the part of the news station... Still, they did a good job of showing visuals so that people become familiar with the robot, and the unique design should help get it back.
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself
That's reasonable, but based on some experience I had with criminals (drug dealers, in my case) last summer, I think it's just as possible that they're simply too stupid to have planned anything. I alternated between anger and astonishment that anyone could be so clueless.
We have 27 units left in stock. There will likely not be another manufacturing run of QuadRovers. If you've ever wanted to own the most interesting product made by Parallax, get one now. I'm going to check out one to store for the product archive and keep it in my office. QuadRover promises to be a Parallax museum piece one day.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
We should pull together a collection from the group to donate a replacement.
I'll be we could even get Ken to give us cost on one. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
-Ken Gracey
Sad, shouldn't such a nice little robot be more·than just a "museum piece?"
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Wow. Ready for a bailout? [noparse]:)[/noparse] [noparse]:)[/noparse] [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Thanks for having their loss posted to the homepage. Maybe it will be located.
This story needs a better ending.. I hate to think that it was reduced to
wheels and gas engine chop-shop style. shutter..
New to the Propeller?
Check out: Protoboard Introduction , Propeller Cookbook 1.4 & Software Index
Updates to the Cookbook are now posted to: Propeller.warrantyvoid.us
Got an SD card connected? - PropDOS
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Or it might be on its way to DC:
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 1/9/2009 10:48:30 PM GMT
John Abshier
Have you ever thought about getting them to work together and pull a semi truck? That would certainly get Parallax some publicity [noparse]:)[/noparse]
My math: A toyota pickup weighs about 2500 lbs, an (unloaded) semi weighs about 18000 pounds. That's 7.2 robots, or 8 for safety to pull the thing. Put a big banner on the side that says "Parallax: Pulling the Future" and you make CNN and ABC.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 1/12/2009 7:22:47 PM GMT
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 1/12/2009 7:45:31 PM GMT
Glad they found it though - what advertising !
'Necessity is the mother of invention'
Those who can, do.Those who can’t, teach.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.