NEED: BS2 Schematic WITHOUT BrownOut Detector
I'm working off this schematic:
And I want to wire it without the MN13811 Brown Out Detector (indicated as [noparse][[/noparse]U3] on the drawing). It will not be necessary for this application.
Could someone assist me in modifying that schematic to work without the brown-out detector? Thank you!
And I want to wire it without the MN13811 Brown Out Detector (indicated as [noparse][[/noparse]U3] on the drawing). It will not be necessary for this application.
Could someone assist me in modifying that schematic to work without the brown-out detector? Thank you!
Left the resistor in there. Thank you for all who read.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
It no longer works. I tried to pull up those drawings at one time but had no luck - would be awesome if you could repair that link!
Thank you.
I should fix that link, however it doesn’t point to the schematics I referred to. Those are included in the ZIP file attached to the end of the first message. The link points (or did point to, because we changed our website) the original BS2 OEM kit schematics. They can still be gotten from our website.
EDIT: Link fixed.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
·· I wasn't sure which resistor you meant before, so I didn't answer, but if it is the 10K resistor that connects to /MCLR that one is required for the chip to function.· Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering