Help with motorised flap
Hi guys, I am not an electronics whizz so need some help with something I hope is quite easy; I am looking to have a small motor·lift a light plastic flap via a switch. must open/close it 90deg and lock it in place (open or closed). Thats it - I would like a really small motor, and of course, cheap is good [noparse]:)[/noparse] plastic flap is about 20x20cm and preferably running on 12v - what all would i need here?
thank you guys [noparse]:)[/noparse]
thank you guys [noparse]:)[/noparse]
A gear reduction 12vDC motor with some limit switches is all you need here. With enough gear deduction, the motor Assy. will hold the flap in place.
Better yet is a worm gear drive motor with two limit switches. As this has the best holding action in the OFF position.
None of these need a $STAMP to work unless You want to control it via a serial/COM link or program code.
Look up REVERSING contactors
The Truth is out there·········································· E=$WMc%2
This almost sounds like an outdoor project... where is it going to be used?
Will the flap be "bumped" during motion or when locked up or down?
Is there a danger of something getting caught and damaged/injured in the flap as it lowers?
Will this run off batteries or a wall-wart or something else?