help needed for programming stand alone PIC's
hey i would like ask whether the hexcode from the Basic Stamp editor can be used to program a normal PIC (non BASIC STAMP pic)
[noparse][[/noparse]i am using PicKit2 to program the PIC]
if yes,how do i generate the the hexcode? is generating the hexcode the same as generating the object code using the following method?
File>>Generate Object Code??
Also i would like to ask whether the coding used in the Basic Stamp Editor can be used in PIC BASIC and the hexcode generated from there?cause i read abt it somewhere on the net that its possible..
or are there any other methods to program a normal PIC using the coding from the Basic Stamp Editor[noparse][[/noparse] not using the Board of Education]
help would be really much appreciated
[noparse][[/noparse]i am using PicKit2 to program the PIC]
if yes,how do i generate the the hexcode? is generating the hexcode the same as generating the object code using the following method?
File>>Generate Object Code??
Also i would like to ask whether the coding used in the Basic Stamp Editor can be used in PIC BASIC and the hexcode generated from there?cause i read abt it somewhere on the net that its possible..
or are there any other methods to program a normal PIC using the coding from the Basic Stamp Editor[noparse][[/noparse] not using the Board of Education]
help would be really much appreciated

2. See 1
3. No. They are two seperate things.
4. No.
You don't need a BoE but you do need a Stamp and the tokenizer at a minimum.
- Stephen
Unfortunately, no.· The Basic Stamp Editor only works with Stamps, not blank PICs.·
The "hexcode" are actually tokens representing your programs·and can't be directly executed.
Since you have the PIC and programmer, you may want to check out BASIC compilers for the PIC.· Also, the PIC BASIC Pro compiler is supposed to be compatible with·PBASIC commands/language, but probably not the tokens/hexcode.··· They have an evaluation version available, but it is very limited.
A BASIC Stamp is either a PIC or SX pre-programmed with Parallax's intellectual property, the PBASIC interpreter, and they don't release this code.· Your program is converted to tokens by the BASIC Stamp IDE, downloaded to the EEPROM, then the PBASIC interpreter "runs" it.
Wish I could help more, but I'm not familair with PICs.· I·hope this answered your questions.