Code Box

The Code Box was built for our "Special Ops" campout for a Boy Scout Troop. It consists of a BS1-USB microcontroller, two LED's and a phototransistor. The box sits in a tree or bush near ground level. The Red/Green LED alternates flashing red or green about once every couple of seconds. This is the 'locator' beacon. Scouts are given a GPS coordinate to locate then a compass heading as a direction to look once they are at the GPS coordinate. When the scout sees the beacon, he shines a LASER pointer at it. This happens at night and it's typically 50-75 yeards away.·The LASER pointer will hit the photo transistor and activate a code transmission. (This code is used by the scout as a combination to open a 'safe'.) On activation, the RG LED will flash quickly a few times then the white LED will emit a coded message in short/long pulses of light. Once that cycle is complete, the box goes dormant for about 2 minutes.
You can see all of it and the code at:
We've uesd it for years and it's great fun for everyone.
Signature space for rent, only $1.
Send cash and signature to CannibalRobotics.
You can see all of it and the code at:
We've uesd it for years and it's great fun for everyone.
Signature space for rent, only $1.
Send cash and signature to CannibalRobotics.
Please see my first reply in the following thread regarding the Completed Projects Forum. I was out yesterday so I did not get the information listed in this forum as I intended.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering