im new and need help with a program
Posts: 5
i have the basic stamp homework board and i am using bs2. im building a satellite and i need a program that will turn on and off systems, send back a gps report (from my tracking device), have a timer so if it does not hear from me for 15 minutes it will go to low power mode, take the coordanates from the gps and turn on a camera when the longitude and latitude become over hawaii. please help me
- Stephen
4 blocks or modules required...
2. Position tracking (GPS, sun, magnetic, radio wave) also contains the gyros and accelerometers
3. Power supply - battery monitoring, ability to enter low power mode, solar charging, ability to "wake up" when required (by BS2) and enter "full power" mode
4. Data acquisition (data storage) and transmit/receive functions and camera control
... Assuming the rocket/satellite is already in flight and near Hawaii you would do something like this...
2. BS2 requests position tracking to update position and send results to data acquisition module
3. BS2 requests from the data acquisition module the current position and computes any required course corrections due to deviations in programmed course...·any required changes are sent to the propulsion module
4. BS2 requests the data module take a picture and store it
5. BS2 instructs data acquisition module to transmit all data back to ground control and receive any new instructions
5. BS2 instructs power supply to enter low power mode for xx time to conserve battery power
7. Wake-up and repeat
Good luck and have fun!!!!··
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
to srlm: the gps satellites i think are much higher than the type of satellite i have
to the hero flag: that was a ton of help but im still to new to put that into accualy code
Post Edited (bryanfuel) : 1/10/2009 1:55:46 AM GMT
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
At any rate, GPS won't work in space. Orbital calculations are detemined by keplerian elements not GPS. If you were to actually launch a bird as an individual, and I emphasize IF it would be a low earth orbit bird (LEO), LEO birds move at about 17,000 mph, far to fast for gps to work. Initial keps are released before launching a leo bird, they are refined and updated after launch on a regular basis by the US govt and released in various formats.
Once launched you can caluculate where a·leo brid will be at any givin time based on it's keps, for the most part a leo bird passes over a specific spot on the planet twice a day.
What is the height of Your Orbit?
The Truth is out there·········································· E=$WMc%2
We already have a GPS receiver and a MicroTrak APRS board. APRS does infact work in Low Earth Orbit as demonstrated on the ISS. What we are trying to figure out is how to parse the NMEA data string from the GPS receiver, pass it through the STAMP and then mirror it back out so that it can enter the MicroTrak for transmitting. I understand this may have something to do with SERIN and SEROUT commands but we are quite confused by those.
If anyone is willing to be a little less cynical and a little more helpful, we really need the help but have nearly run out of time. We want the STAMP to detect when it is in 1500 miles of Honolulu, and when so, turn on the ATV payload and turn it off again when it goes out of range. Of course we understand this Cubesat mockup will never ACTUALLY be in orbit, but we want to present a real operating program that could conceivably work.
If anyone can share a link about how to accomplish this, that is what we are looking for.
Also Hams, we are trying to interface the STAMP to a TNC (Terminal Node Controller) and help along these lines would also be appreciated.
The way it was presented, it appeared as if he wanted to actually put something in orbit. This presents lots of difficulties, and if one is intending to launch a satellite, and doesn't know some electronics then it starts on the road to tall tales. However, making a mockup is much simpler and actually possible.
For more information about serin/serout take a look at the Basic Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual, under the appropriate section. There is quite a bit of information there, and you can also do searches for asynchronous serial communication.
To determine when the stamp is within 1500 miles of Honolulu then you need to have an if statement with four conditions: lower than the upper GPS boundary, higher than the lower GPS, east of the Western boundary, and west of the eastern boundary. This is the principle. On the Basic stamp you'll need to expand it some, since the BS2 can't hold the entire latitude or longitude string in one variable (unless if you're willing to use just degrees for your position estimation).
This link may be what you need for the wireless communication.
I apologize for the lack of responses to your son’s messages. I know that once in awhile we do get students who want to pass a class with a high grade but wait until the last minute, post here and hope someone will do the work for them (or has done it already). Rarely do we get those who are actually willing to put effort into the more complex projects but I think your timeline might be an issue at this point as the forum members that know this material may not be on frequently enough to help you before time runs out. I will see if I can provide enough information to get you going.
First off, let me say that a BS2p may be a better choice for what you’re trying to do, due to the size of the GPS NMEA strings. There are several articles that cover GPS using BASIC Stamps. I will link these here and if you have additional questions we can try to follow up on those after. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
He and I will also have a discussion about his communication style, forum etiquette and especially the "...write the code for me..." line , which was definitely a contributing factor here. Onward!
Thank You,
I found·it using this search string in Google:
If you use the search without the www, you will also get Google's record of posts to The www restricts the search to
Although a search of the Parallax site had plenty of results, there are some instances where a given manufacture's site does not. In that case, search terms for the web at large would be a second step. Here's a Google search term that requires the entire string "BASIC Stamp 2" along with GPS.
GPS "BASIC Stamp 2"
This helps filter out web pages where the words BASIC and Stamp are on the page, but not together, like pages that talk about the basics of stamp collecting.
Andy Lindsay
Education Department
Parallax, Inc.
We would of course like to see everyone get the information they need to realize their projects. What you will find for the most part is existing resources as well as a willingness to help one help themselves. We will most often provide links to existing resources, pseudo-code (in lieu of a flowchart) or short examples of code, unless something already exists to perform the task you’re looking for. I personally don’t think your son’s post was wrong in any way. But how well one communicates their goals and the details of such communication do go a long way to acquiring the assistance they are looking for. Let us know how the information linked works out and we’ll try to help you from there. As a note there are many high-altitude balloon participants on this forum. Some of them have posted their projects in our Completed Projects forum or on our main website in the Customer Applications section. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Thanks again to all the folks who helped us out with links and advice.
Aloha from Honolulu,
Post Edited (KH6DAD) : 1/23/2009 10:14:37 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering