· Hello there. My name is Adam Wilbanks and I have created a blog specifically for robotic builders, hobbyist, etc. I would like you to check it out. I will post things most every day, respond to questions, and share ideas with each other. I will also be posting on there my greatest achievement which is the Boe-Bot that runs off hydrogen. It not only runs of hydrogen but it makes the hydrogen and burns it at the same time on the robot. It doesnt just use already made hydrogen. This will be posted in a couple months but you will be pretty amazed by it as it amazed me. So I· would really appreaciate if you would check out my blog and please post a comment. Thanks.
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself
Good Luck.
Oh, and to the OP - good job getting everything going! Very impressive - at your age I was still collecting baseball cards and hoping for a Steve Garvey
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself