Want to get a new graphics OSD chip so I can do video overlay
Does anyone know of a video chip that text charactes can be superinposed over the top( Video overlay).
Your help will be appreciated....
Your help will be appreciated....
What exactly are you wanting to do ?
The HC-OSD is a very capable module, you can download the manual here http://www.hittconsulting.com/hcosd.htm
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·The next time you need a hero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.
The Propeller can do this w/ the proper backround settings. I've used the Prop. as just a video driver w/ the BS2 $stamps sending info to the Prop via some I/O pins. But This depends on whether You can deal with the "Hide and seek" code called SPIN.
I also recall and ad in N&V Mag. That will do exactly what You want. if I come across it again I'll post here.
The Truth is out there·········································· E=$WMc%2
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Take care.
Your message simply asked if anyone knew about a Video Overlay Board. It did not ask how to connect a specific unit to the BASIC Stamp nor for help on the code to do so. At this point this message is not BASIC Stamp related. As far as I know there are no BASIC Stamp specific overlay boards out there. Most of them (at least any that would work with a BASIC Stamp) will work with any microcontroller. We need to keep the questions posted in the BASIC Stamp Forum (or any Forum) on topic or they get cluttered and fewer messages are seen and answered.
I once moved a post asking how an inductor works from one of the forums. The entire thread was about the theory of operation of an inductor. When I moved the thread the OP was upset because he intended on using that inductor and knowledge in his future project that would be on topic. Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. Each message has a place and I feel this one really belongs here. Once you have a specific video overlay board and you have questions about how to connect it or program a BASIC Stamp to control it, these would be on topic in the BASIC Stamp forum. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering