Garage door opener electric eye interface
Does anyone know what voltage garage door electric eyes operate at typically? I need to interface a matrix of them together and ordered some online, but I'm also laying out a simple protoboard and wondered if I need to provide 12 or 9 volts.
Post Edited (Wolfbrother) : 1/3/2009 10:05:58 PM GMT
Post Edited (Wolfbrother) : 1/3/2009 10:05:58 PM GMT
- Stephen
Most modern "EYEs" or IR break/beam units run @ 12volts, But I wouldn't depend on this alone. I would look inside the device it self and run down the spec.s on the components.
Most of these "EYEs" as will call them, use a pulse generator to send a pulse @ around 40kHz, This is to get around noise from lighting and Sun light, They are IR and not a photo cell.
One last thing to mention: Genie uses what they call "Intellacode" if Your hot rodding some Genie stuff they send a coded stream across the IR sender to the IR receiver, the"EYEs". Their remotes are also coded for security.
The Truth is out there·········································· E=$WMc%2
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering