need advice for controlling a high amperage solenoid before I complete my parts
Posts: 1,399
Well, I am back into some R&D and I need some advice on what parts to order. My new project consists of controlling a solenoid that is mounted to my car. The only problem is that I have to put around 3 amps to it to make it work. It is already grounded so I just need to send power to it. is the catch..... Depending on a few other factors, the solenoid will sometimes need less than 12 volts. I want to use the PWM command to be able to control this output. My question is, what transistor would I need to be able to handle my application? The solenoid will only be on for 1 second or less so constant strain on the transistor should not be an issue. I was thinking a low speed PNP transistor would work but I am not 100% sure.
One other thing is I want to be able to store about 6 word variables into an eeprom. and ideas on what eeprom to use?
Thanks for the help in advance!
One other thing is I want to be able to store about 6 word variables into an eeprom. and ideas on what eeprom to use?
Thanks for the help in advance!
Use a 24LC32 or similar -- it's way bigger than you need but the code you write for it (or download from several examples posted in these forums) will work with bigger EEPROMs in other projects.
It uses SPI mode and would use the SHIFTOUT and SHIFTIN statements for the clock (SK) and data (DI / DO) lines and HIGH / LOW for the chip select (CS) line.
I don't know if you will find any examples of its use. There are other types of EEPROMs with lots of examples of Stamp code, but not any on the Allelectronics page you showed. JonnyMac is right. Stick with EEPROMs that are easy to use like the 24LC32 or larger.
Remember that a Darlington will drop 1.2Volts across the Emitter-Collector junction... At 3 Amps that's 3.6 Watts of heat you will need to dissipate. I would also look into P-Channel Mosfets for this application.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
··Thanks for any··that you may have and all of your time finding them