Ping Problem!
i got a boe bot for christmas and my dad also got me the ping mounting kit that comes with the sensor.· so, i build my boe bot and everything goes fine up through chapter 5.· I then install my ping and download the program from parallax. i run the program and all it does is look around, turn around 135 degrees, and then does it again.· Is it me or the programming? help
Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 1/5/2009 5:32:38 PM GMT

Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 1/5/2009 5:32:38 PM GMT
- Stephen
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself
Are you certain that it's a bad unit? All of them pass our QA/QC before we ship them. It's been known to happen, but it's not very likely.
Have you run the BS2 Ping))) standard code from our web site, without any other components or programming in the circuit? This will tell you if your sensor is working properly or not.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
this was the program we ran to test it out:
' Measure distance with Ping))) sensor and display in both in & cm
' you'll find out that you should get 134 in max and 364 cm max
' use this program to get the maximum distance required you need and write down the numbers
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Conversion constants for room temperature measurements.
CmConstant CON 2260
InConstant CON 890
cmDistance VAR Word
inDistance VAR Word
Time VAR Word
PULSOUT 15, 5 ' ping 5 times on pin 15
PULSIN 15, 1, time ' get one ping back on pin 15
cmDistance = cmConstant ** time ' convert in cm
inDistance = inConstant ** time ' convert in inch
DEBUG HOME, DEC3 cmDistance, " cm"
DEBUG CR, DEC3 inDistance, " in", CR
DEBUG DEC Time, " Time it took to get Ping back"
@moviemaker thanks for yor kind words
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself
case closed, boe-crazy
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself