Detecting a negative pulse
Hi All,
Still working on the homebrew alarm system, and now I have another question. I feel like I'm flooding the sandbox, but here goes.
I have a PIR motion sensor. It outputs a brief postive pulse (+7VDC) when it turns off the light, and two negative pulses (-7VDC) when tripped. I need to convert the negative pulse to a positive somehow. Any thoughts?
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Still working on the homebrew alarm system, and now I have another question. I feel like I'm flooding the sandbox, but here goes.
I have a PIR motion sensor. It outputs a brief postive pulse (+7VDC) when it turns off the light, and two negative pulses (-7VDC) when tripped. I need to convert the negative pulse to a positive somehow. Any thoughts?
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The only problem I see with that is how to tell which pulse is which. I *might* be able to do that with detecting the pulse width, as they are different in length.
The sequence is like this: Upon powering up the PIR, it takes a few minutes to settle, then emits an "off" pulse (+7V). It then waits for motion and if it sees some, emits an "on" (-7V) pulse. It appears the unit has a latch type relay, mounted in a lightbulb fixture. I need to wait for the first "off" pulse, then enable the alarm system. I suppose it would actually be ok to turn it on and wait for *any* pulse, then wait for *any* other pulse.
I'll go play. I just want to make sure I don't get false triggers.
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Try this circuit:
It will output separate pulses for "on" and "off".
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I f you read this, thanks for the opto circuit above. Not only can I differentiate between on and off, but it also solved a ground loop issue due to the PIR using negative voltages. Thanks!
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