Question for all you PING experts.
I saw a video recently that made me curious. The robot was looking forward and when the man placed anything (a box, ball, etc. - himself, his hand) in front of the robot, the robot suddenly turned his PingServo to follow the action and the body stayed in the same position,but the ping followed every movement. I would like to see a subroutine of how this could be done. Or, at least point me in the right direction. This needs to be tied into roaming not just a stand alone. You guys are most probably better at pbasic than I am. Although, I am having a lot of fun. I figured I would ask.
As always, thanks for your help in the Past. I can not think of a nicer group of people.
As always, thanks for your help in the Past. I can not think of a nicer group of people.

- Stephen
Hopefully this will work.
But programming the ping to do the scanning and tracking should not be very hard to do though.
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
I built the Eyebrows and it took me 3 days to figure out how to do it. But, I did. Also, my brows are made with black velcro on them, so they look more like brows. My wife has got my camera or I would show you the pix. All I did was take a long strip of aluminum the width of the brows. Then I cut on left and right side and shaped the brows. I covered them with Velcro. Next I folded the whole thing in half and made like a "T" with the whole thing with the brow on each side. I drilled a hole at the bottom and then I fastened it to the servo. That took me three solid days of head scratching. It sure would've been nice if this guy would've shared his idea. But he did not even answer my thousands of requests.
I am using the basic roaming with ping and introduced my brow program with it. But, it is still a little jerky. I still do not have my IRs working. I bought some Sharp units, but they require an AtoD converter that is on the way. I haven't gotten them yet. So, consiquently, my robot does fine on things the ping sees, but still scrapes the walls until I get the IR working.
My program is not that smooth. But it would be nice to see some code that will do what was done in the video.
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
I put some eyebrows on the boebot so I could show emotions. I have it hooked to pin three and when I pulsout 15 it will raise and when I pulsout 950, it will lower the brows. I would like to do two things. When ever the robot senses something with the ping , for it to raise it's brows. The next is a little more trouble. When ever it senses something that is close to it, it will raise it's brows. I saw this done on Youtube. Whenever the guy put his hand in front of the ping or placed any object in front of the boebot it would imediately flip that switch.
I wrote to the guy and literally BEGGED him for the code, but he was not interested in sharing it. I would like to at least be pointed in the right direction. I have the brows installed and operating so far. I have to be careful not to give it the code twice in a row, because the servo will slam into something in it's way. But, a single command, and I am ok.
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
I do have a PIR sensor,but don't exactly know how to use it. I believe it is made for IR motion detection. I haven't hooked it up yet.
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself
Yeah, I have to admit, that is the cutest little video. Saying however (GWJax) that it was 'just the IR sensors' still leaves me wondering a bit. How many sensors? What brand of sensors? Were they Parallax? Does anybody have any idea which brands are best? Is there perhaps some clever programatic cooperation between the Ping))) and the IR sensors from which more 'cute' behavior arises?
Are you trying to make eyes that follow an object or are you just going to have it trigger eyebrows and nothing else? If you aren't doing anything but triggering eyebrows your best bet is probably the pir sensor.
Good luck!
Have fun!
P.S. The code has no documentation and poor use of variables and constants because I wrote it while I was still a beginner.