Did I get the wrong booklet with my boebot?
hello, my boebot arrived about an hour ago and I had started to put it together when I realised that my Board of education is a Rev D but my instruction booklet·only supports Revs A, B and C.... so was I sent the wrong instruction book?
Because some parts in here I dont have and my board looks different than the pictures
(Strip of four rubber feet) did not come in my box but it says I should have it
please help, thank you [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Because some parts in here I dont have and my board looks different than the pictures
(Strip of four rubber feet) did not come in my box but it says I should have it
please help, thank you [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Yeah, the rubber feet are just for keeping the metal joints on the underside of the board from touching the table the board is sitting on. Especially if the work surface is a metal table (not recommended for electronics experiments), it would probably damage the BASIC Stamp, and maybe the board of education too. The rubber feet prevent that.
Robotics with the Boe-Bot v2.2 is the instruction set you should be working with. Pay careful attention to the Board of Education Rev C descriptions on pages 13 - 27. Common culprits include:
- Rechargeable batteries (only use with the BOEBoost board)
- Dead alkaline batteries
- BASIC Stamp inserted upside-down (Examine the orientation of the BASIC Stamp in Figure 1-24.)
Andy Lindsay
Education Department
Parallax, Inc.