GPS Error
I'm using the USB board and attempting to use the 'stock' demo program and the program quickly debugs the outputs and displays the Error message that it can't read the GPS. I've tried different pins and everything, but no luck. The red led on the GPS is solid so it has satellites. I'm sure it's something simple, but it's got me stumped. Thanks in advance.
I'm having a similar problem as you, albeit with the stock propeller object. I'm quite stumped as well. Help anyone?
- Stephen
- Stephen
Since you have a BS2p you need to make a change in the program.··Toward the top, find:
Post Edit -- Your Stamp directive should be ' {$STAMP BS2p} (not ' {$STAMP BS2}).
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 1/1/2009 3:47:13 AM GMT
You may also have a problem if you have mounted the GPS on the BOE breadboard.
I found that mine would only work if I had it on a ribbon cable at least two feet from the BOE.
Just a thought.
If you are going to send·a Robot·to save the world, you·better make sure it likes it the way it is!
Also a BAUD issue?