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Can i communicate with I2c between 2 basicstamps — Parallax Forums

Can i communicate with I2c between 2 basicstamps

maverhmaverh Posts: 7
edited 2008-12-29 15:09 in BASIC Stamp
Can i communicate with I2c between 2 basicstamps and how?
how can i give every basictamp a unique adress for communicating



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-12-29 15:09
    Sort of. It would be very slow on a BS2, maybe 1000 bits per second. It would all be done using ordinary statements. There are I2C master routines in one of the Nuts and Volts Columns (#85?), but you'd have to search for possible I2C slave routines. I'm not sure if they're available.

    Since it's all done in Basic software, you can use any I2C address you want.

    The BS2p/pe/px models have built-in I2C statements which work at nearly full speed (100KHz), but are master-only. They don't provide slave mode.
    That would still have to be done slowly using ordinary statements (like LOW / INPUT / INx / IF / DO).
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