need help in LinkMatik2.0
hello every 1 [noparse]:)[/noparse]
merry xmax
am tryin to interface linkmatik 2.0 with Atmel89s51 , the main issue that i cant find enough resources for LinkMatik 2.0, it has various operating modes such as auto slave, auto master·and MUX mode, i want to know which one should i use?? all what i've found was ASCII commands for configuration?? how can i write the c code cause i want it to to recive data from a remote device and send it to the ATMEL via Linkmatik·and as well as·transmmiting data from ATMEL to linkmatik 2.0 and through linkmatik the·data will be sent to a remote device, any c codes? please any 1 who read this help me
i'll be so thankfully[noparse]:)[/noparse]
merry xmax
am tryin to interface linkmatik 2.0 with Atmel89s51 , the main issue that i cant find enough resources for LinkMatik 2.0, it has various operating modes such as auto slave, auto master·and MUX mode, i want to know which one should i use?? all what i've found was ASCII commands for configuration?? how can i write the c code cause i want it to to recive data from a remote device and send it to the ATMEL via Linkmatik·and as well as·transmmiting data from ATMEL to linkmatik 2.0 and through linkmatik the·data will be sent to a remote device, any c codes? please any 1 who read this help me
i'll be so thankfully[noparse]:)[/noparse]
thanx 4 the replayin....
yah thats right but its just in the case that am able to set the remote device slave or master but imagin a situation like a cell phone i mean its not possible 2 really to set it up 4 one single mode cause it can be any right?
plus the main issue is how am going to configure the linkmatik device and exhanging its modes using c language, linkmatik bluetooth module works with ASCII commands not c language [noparse]:([/noparse] need sum more help please
thanx kwinn[noparse]:)[/noparse]