PBASIC Programing help
Recently i got the What's a microcontroller kit for christmas. My first question is whats the difference between Pbasic and basic?
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Thanks anyone that helps
····································· Robotman

Thanks anyone that helps
····································· Robotman

"PBasic" is the Parallax Basic variant of basic, customized and expanded with some keywords for use with the Parallax BS2 family of modules.
You probably should download the Parallax manuals -- especially the PBasic user's guide. Also, the tutorials that came with your kit should walk you through the process of writing a few simple programs and trying them out. That will teach you better than anything else.
CR and CLS are items that can occur in a DEBUG or SEROUT statement for controlling the debug window of the Stamp Editor.
DEC is what is called a "formatter" like HEX and BIN. These are prefixes to expressions in some I/O statements like DEBUG or SEROUT or SERIN and provide conversions between numbers and strings of characters.
Step, Duration, and Variable are just placeholders for values. For example, some statements like PAUSE have an expression that follows the statement name that provides a value for the Duration of the statement. "PAUSE 10" causes a pause for 10 milliseconds.