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Error 127: EEPROM full — Parallax Forums

Error 127: EEPROM full

makkiamakkia Posts: 12
edited 2008-12-28 06:04 in BASIC Stamp
Hi everyone,

I am using BS2 to write a rather lengthy code for a big project. However, I am getting this error when I check syntax:

Error: EEPROM full.

What I understand is that the chip is out of instruction memory, which is probably the case since BS2's EEPROM is only 2K bytes. (~500 instructions, according to the manual).

However, this problem should be solved by changing the basic stamp module, for example, to BS2px which contains 8 x 2K bytes of EEPROM (~4000 instructions). but, it looks like the basic stamp compiler continues to have the same problem.

In fact, if I check the memory map for a different program, and it says that this program is taking 60% of the instruction memory, it seems that changing the chip from BS2 to BS2px results in the same results; that is, also shows that BS2px's instruction memory is 60% filled...

Is this some sort of a glitch? or does this error mean a completely different thing?

I appreciate the help,



  • KB3JJGKB3JJG Posts: 95
    edited 2008-12-27 22:41
    This is just a shot in the dark, but did you change the directive to refelct the different stamp?
  • makkiamakkia Posts: 12
    edited 2008-12-27 22:47
    Actually, that was the only thing that I did to check weather or not different stamps reflect the change in the EEPROM.

    I also tried saving the file under the .bs2px format, but I'm still getting the 60% part for instruction memory...
  • allanlane5allanlane5 Posts: 3,815
    edited 2008-12-27 23:00
    With the 'larger' BS2 flavors, you have multiple program "slots" (of 2K each) to put code in. You use the "RUN" command to run code in another slot besides the first one.
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2008-12-27 23:03
    The p chips do have 8 times the memory but it is arranged in 8 2k blocks and programs can't span the blocks. You can rewrite the program to be several smaller programs that can run seperately and then call them as needed. There is info on this I believe in the nuts and volts articles but where I don't know, sorry.

    - Stephen
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2008-12-27 23:05
    With any BASIC Stamp, the limit for one program slot is 2K. The "2e", "2sx", and "2p"-series Stamps have multiple program slots, but you have to divvy up your program among them manually and use the RUN command to activate code in a different slot. This has consequences that are not the same has having one large, monolithic program, so you should read the PBASIC manual very carefully to understand the various ramifications.

  • makkiamakkia Posts: 12
    edited 2008-12-27 23:28
    Well, that explains a lot...
    This multiple slots thing is actually very interesting and is worth trying out

    Thanks a lot for the help everyone [noparse]:)[/noparse]
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2008-12-28 06:04
    See and

    ·"If you build it, they will come."
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