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Boe Bot Roaming With Ping Help — Parallax Forums

Boe Bot Roaming With Ping Help

awbball11awbball11 Posts: 17
edited 2008-12-27 04:32 in BASIC Stamp
·I looked on the Ping roaming and it says you have to have your boe bot hooked up with the roaming with IR sensors. I have no idea how to do that!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-12-27 02:39
    Download and read "Robotics with the BoeBot" if you don't already have it. It has the roaming with IR program and a description of how to hook up the IR sensors.
  • $WMc%$WMc% Posts: 1,884
    edited 2008-12-27 04:32

    Not exactly sure of what You mean about roaming with Ping and the need for IR sensors. The PING is an ULTRASONIC device, While the IR is an Infrared LED/Transistor set up.

    With todays lights,The fluorescent type, energy savers, They seem to play havoc on the IR sensors.How ever the PING is as BLIND as a BAT.And that is how it works.The program code sends out a short 40kHz burst to the PING, then flips the I/O pin from an output to an input and then waits for the echo return from the 40kHz burst it sent earlier from the PING ,Do a little math and Viola.Its all ultrasonic.No seeing.No interference from lights.And its quite accurate

    ________$WMc%________________Happy New Year

    The Truth is out there
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