Spykee WiFi robot w. Camera Tilt!
Erector Spykee WiFi robot: http://www.spykeeworld.com/
Camera Tilt with BS2
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EhNKInJ_BM
·············· http://www.flickr.com/photos/33773969@N08/3139666418/
Uses Spykee’s fiber optics to control a servo to move up or down. Allows user to tilt the camera with the light control buttons. All modification are external and requires no permanent changes to the robot. Warranty is safe!
**The servo can be a lot smoother and faster with better programming. It was late and I got lazy so I just wrote a basic program.
-If both lights are "ON" the servo does nothing.
-If light1 is "ON" & light2 "OFF” then PULSOUT Servo "UP"
-If light2 is "ON" & light1 "OFF" then PULSOUT Servo "DOWN"
Parallax BS2
Standard Servo
2 Photo Resistors
IR emitter shrouds
Fiber Optic cables (Came with Spykee)
Camera Tilt with BS2
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EhNKInJ_BM
·············· http://www.flickr.com/photos/33773969@N08/3139666418/
Uses Spykee’s fiber optics to control a servo to move up or down. Allows user to tilt the camera with the light control buttons. All modification are external and requires no permanent changes to the robot. Warranty is safe!
**The servo can be a lot smoother and faster with better programming. It was late and I got lazy so I just wrote a basic program.
-If both lights are "ON" the servo does nothing.
-If light1 is "ON" & light2 "OFF” then PULSOUT Servo "UP"
-If light2 is "ON" & light1 "OFF" then PULSOUT Servo "DOWN"
Parallax BS2
Standard Servo
2 Photo Resistors
IR emitter shrouds
Fiber Optic cables (Came with Spykee)
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
One can make mods on it to get rid of the remote and install a program with a MCU if one wanted to just like any other R/C car or anything that is controlled by a remote or even a stuffed animal. You just need to use your imagination for this.
If a robot has a screw then it must be romoved and hacked into..
To make something work one must build, test, and verify bfore proceding.· -- myself