need help with basic stamp bs2.5
hi all
I'm doing a project in which i use the boe bot kit and basic stamp Bs2.5
in my project i can use one ping sensor and im required to make my robot go through a maze..explore the maze and know how to get out
the hard part is how the robot can memorize the maze and the next time when it enters the maze the robot should be able to go out directly whithout going into any wrong paths
i appreciate if any one can help me with some idea
Thank you all
I'm doing a project in which i use the boe bot kit and basic stamp Bs2.5
in my project i can use one ping sensor and im required to make my robot go through a maze..explore the maze and know how to get out
the hard part is how the robot can memorize the maze and the next time when it enters the maze the robot should be able to go out directly whithout going into any wrong paths
i appreciate if any one can help me with some idea
Thank you all
What have you read so far? There are a lot of tutorials available for downloading from Parallax. Go to their main webpage, click on the Resources tab, then select Downloads, then Stamps in Class Downloads and you'll see the whole list. If you don't already have it, download the Stamp Basic Syntax and Reference Manual. From Downloads, choose Software Documentation and you'll see the Manual.
What's a Microcontroller? is the basic introduction to the Stamp
Robotics with the BoeBot is something you may already have. If not, download it.
Like all Parallax products, the webstore pages have links to documentation and sample code. Check out some of the stuff with links on the PING))) page.
There's a better search mechanism than the button at the top of the forum pages. There's a local Google search engine at Parallax that you can use by going to "" and entering your search phrase.
Read the chapters in the Stamp Basic Manual on the READ and WRITE statements. These can be used to record position information (or any other data) to unused portions of the EEPROM used for your program so the information will be there for use later.
anyway thank you so much for your advice and i will go search more and read the the things you told me about hopefully i will find what i need
thank you [noparse]:)[/noparse]
At any given decision point in the maze, it only has to remember which way to turn and how far to go. Does this help?
how can it remember that this path was wrong and exclude it....shoud it keep returning to the starting point whenever it reaches a wrong path??
At any given decision point in the maze, it only has to remember which way to turn and how far to go.
how can it remember for example that when it turned to right at a certain position it went into a dead end and avoid that the next time it enter the maze??
my idea was to use look up table and flags(right,left,forward,reverse) and conuter so that whenever the counter reaches 4 for a certain positon then this position was totally covered you have any other better sugestion than the look up table or better sugestion when using the lookup table?
thanks alot for your reply [noparse]:)[/noparse]