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Pan and Tilt Using Wii Nunchuck — Parallax Forums

Pan and Tilt Using Wii Nunchuck

soshimososhimo Posts: 215
edited 2008-12-26 02:55 in Propeller 1
I created an object for use with the wii nunchuck and two servos to provide a pan and tilt mechanism using either the joystick or the accelerometer data as input. You just provide the two pins that the x,y servos will be on and you can have out of the box control over pan and tilt. Married to hardware like this you can do some cool things. No video or screenshots as my 4GB SD card just ran out of room from filming xmas videos [noparse]:)[/noparse]. Once I'm done processing those I might upload some pics or a video.

The object depends on the Nunchuck object from Jo
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