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using spark funs huge lcd with prop anyone get it to work? — Parallax Forums

using spark funs huge lcd with prop anyone get it to work?

mikedivmikediv Posts: 825
edited 2008-12-27 20:18 in Propeller 1
Hey guys I am just not having any luck with LCD's I boguht the spark fun huge LCD it really is huge by the way 160x128 and almost 6 inches across, anyway I am trying to connect it to my prop educational kit with prop stick usb

here are the pin outs
2 Vss Power Supply(GND)
3 Vdd Power Supply For Logic(+5V)
4 Vo Power Supply For LCD Driving (Contrast Adjust)
12--19 DB0—DB7 DATA BUS


I connected the data lines 0-7 to prop pins P0-7 going through 1K 1/4 watt resistors , I also tied the reset of the LCD to ground using a 20mf pico cap, I have a seperate 5V power supply ut using shared grounds. anbd I tied the write data pin to the clk out using some simple prop spin commands randomly dira and outa to set the output pins to high or low I was hoping it would put somehting on the LCD but nothing I would like to just be able to test out the display any thoughts? Thank you


  • JerryNJerryN Posts: 32
    edited 2008-12-25 22:52
    I haven't tried hooking mine up yet but check these two references:

    From the second reference: "Data bus pins are backwards from datasheet! Pin#12 is the MSBit and Pin#19 is the LSBit...". Might this be your problem?

  • mikedivmikediv Posts: 825
    edited 2008-12-26 01:35
    Thanks Jerry I knew about the backward pins for d0-7 I think I don't have the device interfaced correctly I am going to make up a schematic of what I have hopefull that will help others help me debug
    I connected D0-7 to the prop pins P0-7 with 1K resistors in line I think I dont have the other pins connected properly
    I put a 10K pot between VDD and VEE with the wiper part of the pot on pin 4 VO but I do not know what other pins to connect
    I knew about rays post thats why I bought this LCD its and awesome display by the way , ut he does not show what pins to connect to anyhting his code is nice but if you dont know how to interface the hardware its not much help
    Thanks again

  • JerryNJerryN Posts: 32
    edited 2008-12-26 05:17
    I will try to get mine hooked up one of these days - unfortunately my "round tuit" file just keeps getting longer, not shorter.

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,364
    edited 2008-12-26 11:30
    One thing I noticed is that you don't mention pin 22...· This is the cathode connection to the LED backlight, so you have to have this connected to ground to see anything...

  • mikedivmikediv Posts: 825
    edited 2008-12-26 17:01
    Thanks Rayman I have pin 22 connected to ground the display lights right up, the backlit is working fine I have +5 to 21
    22 is grounded
    Pin 3 is +5 volts that goes thorugh a 10K pot to pin 5 pin 4 VO goes to to middle of the pot or wiper
    DB0-DB7 go to prop pins P0-P7 through 1K resistors so DB0
    1K resisotr Prop pin P0
    pin 11 reset I have a 20 pico cap right to ground so pin 11 LCD
    I did not use frame ground I just tied pins
    7 /RD DATA READl

    8 /CE CHIP ENABLE FOR T69 all through a oull up 1 k resistor to +5 I didnt know what else to do with them and thats it so I am pretty sure I need to do something with more fo the pins, then I just wrote some random spin code dira: outa to the data pins just on or off hoping it would do something on the display so I could at least confirm its working

    Ray if you get a chance I would love to know what pins from the display you connected to the prop pins?

    Or if anyone else has any recomendations

    Thanks all

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,364
    edited 2008-12-26 19:55
    I think you get tell the pins I used from the code I posted...· Pretty sure it's all given in the constants section.

    I think you need to toggle CE in order to read or write from the device...· So, it need to connect to a Prop pin.

    I'd suggest you look at the datasheet or the driver code I posted...

    Also, I think 20pF for that reset cap might be too small.· I think I used 100nF...
  • mikedivmikediv Posts: 825
    edited 2008-12-26 20:46
    Thanks Ray I have been trying to figure out what pins you used via the spin code but to be honest its a little bit above me right now I am new to the prop and have never ever interfaced an LCD of any type I have not even played with them so I am trying to understand the things from a beginers point the data sheet means little to me from what I see its how to program the lcd driver chip, I am still at what pins on the LCD should go to what pins on the prop chip , like I said the display backlight comes on and I do have data pins connected to prop pins but thats it , I know you said a few times to look at your post for pin connections but I have no CLUE where your posts show them???? I even downloaded the PCB software you used but all it shows is your circuit board layout
    so unless I more blind than I already think I am you must be talking·about somehting I just don't see. I still think I need to have more pins connected to the prop while I have the data 0-7 thats it, I·saw in data sheet about /WR and it says to toggle it high for read but then next line says 90ns so does that mean I should strobe the /RW with a 90ns square wave,, I do appreciate everyones help and I am determined to figure out the LCD displays if it kills me I have several projects with Pics and·props that are just begging for a simple display ..
  • LeonLeon Posts: 7,620
    edited 2008-12-26 23:53
    /WR has to be driven high for 90 ns, from a low state. it doesn't need a continuous square wave, just a single pulse.


    Amateur radio callsign: G1HSM
    Suzuki SV1000S motorcycle
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,364
    edited 2008-12-27 00:14
    Here's the CON section from my driver (that you can download from the forementioned links):
    CON  'Constants Section
      'Control Pins
      'Data Pins
        'Note that the PINS are actually backwards from what the Datasheet implies!!!
      'DataBasePin=8   '<===  I thought this was going to be the LSBit
      DataEndPin=8     '<=== Easy to read the pins backwards with Spin

    I think the easiest path for you is to change these pin definitions to match what you have and try out my test file that uses this driver...
  • mikedivmikediv Posts: 825
    edited 2008-12-27 01:02
    thanks leon rayman duh I feel stupid , do you know how many times at looked at that part of the code then the pinout datasheet and didnt make the connection. Well I said I was blind your right its all there I am very sorry I kept asking
    .. If I get this to work I will let you know thanks again
    the rest of your code is a bit complex for me but now I have a starting point to help figure out what you were doing with it
    thanks again
    ·Oh Ray in your code you state that you have to manualy enter pins?? can I ask where in the code? I am asuuming by that you mean to enter what LCD DB0-7 pins that are connected to the prop right? thanks

    Post Edited (mikediv) : 12/27/2008 1:10:09 AM GMT
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,364
    edited 2008-12-27 01:26
    Given your pins in the first post, change "DataEndPin" to 12, WRPin to 6, RDPin to 7, etc...
  • mikedivmikediv Posts: 825
    edited 2008-12-27 14:50
    Rayman I just left the pins WR,RD,CE-etc the way you have them in the code and just moved my DB0-7 lines to P9-16 respectivly

    I wired it all up on wirless proto board so its easy to change anything , I am giving it a try as we speak I did notice I forgot to install Vss to ground but the backlight is so bright on this thing , from the datasheet it looks like that 10K pot is only for the charactor contrast there is seems to be no way to adjust the backlight is there thanks again.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,364
    edited 2008-12-27 17:16
    I suppose you could try powering the backlight from the 3.3V supply...
  • mikedivmikediv Posts: 825
    edited 2008-12-27 20:18
    good point I guess I could just use a pot but I wasn't ·complaining just talking/typing out loud, I bet it would work well outside in sunlight , Rayman you never did say what you were doing with your display , there seems to be a few others that bought this LCD based on your post if you do a google search you come right up I bet its going to be very popular , well thank for being patient and the help
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