Suggestions on sensor placement and use for Jeeves 3.0
Hello all, Seasons greetings!
I have a robot i have been working on for a few months now dubbed "jeeves" he has now gone through 2 full rebuilds and now is going through his third.· He is about a meter high, cylinder shaped with a domed head and about 1 foot in diameter.· in the past i havwe used one infared sensor pointed down at a 45 degree angle from near the top to detect low objects and a ping sensor on the front which pivots to find the farthest path.· Now with a dramatic change to the components along with the program I am using a minimum of 2 ir sensors (the one on the left with point right the one on the right pointing left, both at angles so that the fron of the robot is covered).· The issue i am having is deciding how to cover the full meter high robot with sensors so that all objects are detected not just low lying ones.· This problem has occured because the program was originally for a very short rover robot and did not require multiple sensors.· It allows the robot to be in constant motion while avoiding objects.·
Anyhow any ideas? I was thinking putting 2 more IR sensors near the top of the robot therefor having 4 sensors to detect objects and forgetting about the ping for object avoidance.· Or I could have it facing straight forward at the top and have it act as a sensor telling the robot of impending collision.·
Hopefully you guys have some suggestions, sorry i was so indescriptive and didn´t post pictures, but I am in a such as well as not on my home computer.
I have a robot i have been working on for a few months now dubbed "jeeves" he has now gone through 2 full rebuilds and now is going through his third.· He is about a meter high, cylinder shaped with a domed head and about 1 foot in diameter.· in the past i havwe used one infared sensor pointed down at a 45 degree angle from near the top to detect low objects and a ping sensor on the front which pivots to find the farthest path.· Now with a dramatic change to the components along with the program I am using a minimum of 2 ir sensors (the one on the left with point right the one on the right pointing left, both at angles so that the fron of the robot is covered).· The issue i am having is deciding how to cover the full meter high robot with sensors so that all objects are detected not just low lying ones.· This problem has occured because the program was originally for a very short rover robot and did not require multiple sensors.· It allows the robot to be in constant motion while avoiding objects.·
Anyhow any ideas? I was thinking putting 2 more IR sensors near the top of the robot therefor having 4 sensors to detect objects and forgetting about the ping for object avoidance.· Or I could have it facing straight forward at the top and have it act as a sensor telling the robot of impending collision.·
Hopefully you guys have some suggestions, sorry i was so indescriptive and didn´t post pictures, but I am in a such as well as not on my home computer.
Mike i like your idea, but can you clarify it so i am having a servo on either side rotating horizontally? Or 2 at different heights rotating horizontally?
Thanks everybody!