motor mount kit/BS2
I am using the Basic Stamp 2 Homework Board with the Motor Mount Kit and I am running into a problem. I connected the 3 pin header cable from the "+5,Ground,DATA" terminal on the Position Controller to the Homework Board (+5 to Vss, Ground to Vdd, DATA to P12) and suddenly the power turns off on the homework board and I measured the voltage across the Position Controller's Ground and +5 terminals to be 0.714 V. I measured the voltage from Vss to Vdd and the voltage was about +5·V so I know the problem is not with the Homework Board. I unplugged the 12 V power supply from the HB-25's that are powering the motors so I know the problem just involves the Position Controllers. Can anyone think of a possible cause of this?
Starting a new thread about your problems with the Motor Mount and Position Controller is not going to change the fact that you do not understand what you are doing.
As I said in your other thread:
"From your description of the problems that you have had with the HB25s and the Motor Mount and Controller kit, it sounds like you need to read up on basic dc motor control and battery powered motor circuits.
The Parallax manual for assembly and use of the Motor Mount and Controller kit are some of the best that I have seen and ditto for the HB25s.
Your questions indicate that you may be in over your head and could possibly damage either the HB25s or the Motor Mount controllers if you do not understand how they function and are interconnected.
I suggest you enlist the help of someone who is technically competent with respect to dc motors, batteries/chargers,·pwm motor control·circuits, and the like."
However, based on what you have said, you probably managed to reverse the +5 vdc and Gnd coming from the Homework Board at the Controller connector which shorted the +5 vdc to Gnd and shut down the voltage regulator on the Homework Board.
If you will notice on page 8 of the Motor Mount and Controller kit documentation, it is not "+5,Ground, DATA" at the Controller connector, but "Ground, +5 vdc, DATA".
Like I have said before, you do not have the level of experience required to work with the Motor Mount and Controller kit and will most likely damage the hardware and become very frustrated.
If you are going to send·a Robot·to save the world, you·better make sure it likes it the way it is!
Merry Christmas my robot obsessed forum members!
Triple check your connections, one by one, as if your life depended on it and you'll find the issue.
Tell the relatives you're in the final stages of getting the rocket control system ready for liftoff.
Ken Gracey