Sending UDP data from PINK module
I have written a REALbasic app to receive and log TCP data.
I was going to create one to receive UDP data from the PINK, but I have been told that the PINK can only send UDP data to the local subnet (not across the internet).
Can anyone confirm if this is true ?
I'm fairly certain that it can RECEIVE UDP data from the internet, but it's SENDING that I'm worried about.
If it CAN send UDP data across the internet then I will devote some time to re-write the program for UDP data.
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·The next time you need a superhero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.
I was going to create one to receive UDP data from the PINK, but I have been told that the PINK can only send UDP data to the local subnet (not across the internet).
Can anyone confirm if this is true ?
I'm fairly certain that it can RECEIVE UDP data from the internet, but it's SENDING that I'm worried about.
If it CAN send UDP data across the internet then I will devote some time to re-write the program for UDP data.
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·The next time you need a superhero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.
I have also posted the windows EXE in the zip file.
Comment welcome.
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·The next time you need a superhero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.
In this thread
near the last post, you will find an udp server and udp client program.
Note that this thread talks about the Pink with the old firmware,
but that shouldn't make a difference regarding udp.
regards peter
The PINK Module can send UDP packets to any valid IP address on any valid port. Note that the original firmware limited UDP packets to port 10000, but newer versions allow any valid port. I hope this helps. It will be interesting to see what you come up with. I personally feel that for those who can take advantage of UDP on a PC application the PINK is a great interface for their microcontroller applications since the UDP can be used in ways the e-mail and web interface cannot.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
I have a PINK, but I don't know if it has the old or new firmware. Is there an easy way to tell ?
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·The next time you need a superhero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.
Yes, go into the Modify Variable web page and scroll to the bottom…it will tell you the firmware version. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Engineering
Send any text data to port 10000
!!! NOTE: If you have a router, will MUST setup port forwarding on the router for the message to get through the router.
I would help me greatly if you could assist.
Please reply here if you do send something.
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·The next time you need a hero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.
Post Edited (Bean (Hitt Consulting)) : 12/24/2008 10:21:16 PM GMT
Thanks whoever it was...
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·The next time you need a hero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.
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·The next time you need a hero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.
This REALbasic program allows you to collect data sent from the Parallax PINK module.
It allows the PINK to "push" data to the PC.
It stores the data in a comma delimited file as: date,time,remoteIP,data
I will post the .EXE file for windows and the REALbasic source code is available so you can run it on Windows, Mac or Linux if you have the REALbasic compiler.
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·The next time you need a hero don't look up in the sky...Look in the mirror.