· I have the
LCD Terminal AppMod, and I'm not sure how to program it. Im using the Basic Stamp 2, I downloaded the smiple code for it off parallax's website and I was really confussed in how to program it. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it!
·Joshua Peters
·'If it doesnt do something automatic, then its not a Stamp.
Since you have a BS2, what you need is
Everything else in there is simply there to show how a BS2p or BS2pe would handle things. On those processors, the subroutine would look like this
Try going through the code and removing everything that is for the "LcdReady" processors, and see if what's left makes more sense to you. I had to look at it all quite a few times before I understood it.
·· It makes sense now, theres onl;y one problem.........I cant find my LCD screen now
I apperciate you writing that code.....Ill try and fing my LCD screen, it couldnt have gone to far