motor mount kit: connecting motor to HB-25 & power
The directions for the motor mount kit say to connect the yellow lead of each motor to "M1" on the HB-25 and the blue lead of each motor to "M2" on the HB-25...but the blue and yellow leads have unique connectors attached to them and there isn't a connector·that fits into them included in the kit. M1 and M2 are just screw holes. Also there is a red wire coming out from the case enclosing the blue and yellow wires, and I don't see a use for it(it is not connected to anything). I also don't see where to connect the power to the motor.
any help would be much appreciated! thanks...
any help would be much appreciated! thanks...
I still don't understand how the 12 V power is connected to the motor and what type of plug goes into the yellow casing connected to the motor that contains the yellow,blue,and red wires. And what the point is of the red wire. The kit doesn't mention this in the directions at all...
One side of the HB-25s gets power from your battery, and the other side provides the two terminals for the motor.
You need ring terminals which you can get at RadioShack. Get #4 or #6 for 16 guage wire. They are in the drawers in the back of the store. You can also get ring terminals at an Ace hardware.
Ken Gracey
I don't know what you mean by a "yellow socket" connected to the motor. . . oh wait. . .I think I know what's up. You're using the Parallax motors from the 12V Motor Mount and Wheel Kit, right? Okay, then, get out our cutters and cut off that plastic "yellow socket". Then, put two ring terminals on these bare wires and connect 'em up to the HB-25!
The HB-25 has no socket for the connector on the motors. It's there for the intended use in an automotive door power window. But you aren't using it in a car so you won't be plugging it in without the modification I described above.
Alles gut?
Ken Gracey
also, the instructions say that the Position Controllers only track the position and speed of the wheels, so why is there a travel command? The documentation gives sample code for the position controllers to command the wheels to travel forward 350 positions, so I am confused about the role of the HB-25.
The Position Controller can also control the HB-25. Tracking position and speed is only feedback, but you can have it do this concurrent with HB-25 control as a closed-loop system with the travel command.
Ken Gracey
see there is M1 and M2 the you conect to the motor
then ther is the other side that has + & - and that is where the power gose
so yah the motor gets its power from the HB25 witch gets it from the 12v battery
From your description of the problems that you have had with the HB25s and the Motor Mount and Controller kit, it sounds like you need to read up on basic dc motor control and battery powered motor circuits.
The Parallax manual for assembly and use of the Motor Mount and Controller kit are some of the best that I have seen and ditto for the HB25s.
Your questions indicate that you may be in over your head and could possibly damage either the HB25s or the Motor Mount controllers if you do not understand how they function and are interconnected.
I suggest you enlist the help of someone who is technically competent with respect to dc motors, batteries/chargers,·pwm motor control·circuits, and the like.
Just a thought.
If you are going to send·a Robot·to save the world, you·better make sure it likes it the way it is!
Post Edited (Tom C) : 12/22/2008 7:21:09 PM GMT