Slave Master SXB question
I have a program that has a master SX48 (also works on SX28) that uses a 4x4 keypad and serial LCD to enter and display data. It then allows the user to select which 1 of 8 SX28 slaves they want to send that data too. Each slave has a set of 4 (7 segment displays - like on the professional development board) and an EEPROM. The 4 digit data (or numbers entered) from the master is sent to the appropriate slave and displayed on the quad 7 segment display. However, here is my problem:
Sometimes when entering in a number on the master, the·number gets sent to the correct slave display but also gets copied over to another slave display. It's almost a random occurance as sometimes its fine and other times not. I don't have any pullup or pulldown resistors between the master and slaves but thinking this might be the issue. Does this sound right? In other examples, I don't think I have seen the need for resistors.
Let me know what you think.
Post Edited (T&E Engineer) : 12/22/2008 4:30:11 PM GMT
Sometimes when entering in a number on the master, the·number gets sent to the correct slave display but also gets copied over to another slave display. It's almost a random occurance as sometimes its fine and other times not. I don't have any pullup or pulldown resistors between the master and slaves but thinking this might be the issue. Does this sound right? In other examples, I don't think I have seen the need for resistors.
Let me know what you think.
Post Edited (T&E Engineer) : 12/22/2008 4:30:11 PM GMT
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"The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants." ~ Camus
Thanks for the quick analysis! I supose then there is not much we can do about that. I like the idea of being able to press the C or D buttons on the keypad at anytime to get either an all slave reset or a master reset. Ok,·I may have to eliminate that option. Does this sound right?
Post Edited (JonnyMac) : 12/19/2008 8:37:23 PM GMT
From what I would guess is that it·RX any digit from 0-9,A-F and displays it on a quad 7 segment display. How is the EEPROM used as I don't see it in your interrupt and there is no MAIN: program?
Post Edited (T&E Engineer) : 12/19/2008 6:44:51 PM GMT
There's no need to explain it -- I've just replaced SERIN with ISR code and used assembly for the display multiplexing to keep the ISR cleaner; in the end it's doing what you want but you don't have an ISR/SERIN conflict any more. The nice thing about using ISR serial is that you can check the rxReady flag in the foreground and only call RX_BYTE when you have something waiting, otherwise RX_BYTE waits on something to show up (just like SERIN).